Nicole DeHoratius
Nicole DeHoratius
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Inventory record inaccuracy: An empirical analysis
N DeHoratius, A Raman
Management science 54 (4), 627-641, 2008
Execution: The missing link in retail operations
A Raman, N DeHoratius, Z Ton
California Management Review 43 (3), 136-152, 2001
Retail inventory management when records are inaccurate
N DeHoratius, AJ Mersereau, L Schrage
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10 (2), 257-277, 2008
Retail store operations: Literature review and research directions
S Mou, DJ Robb, N DeHoratius
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (2), 399-422, 2018
Field research in operations and supply chain management
N DeHoratius, E Rabinovich
Journal of Operations Management 29 (5), 371-375, 2011
Store manager incentive design and retail performance: An exploratory investigation
N DeHoratius, A Raman
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 (4), 518-534, 2007
The impact of supplier inventory service level on retailer demand
N Craig, N DeHoratius, A Raman
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18 (4), 461-474, 2016
The Achilles' Heel of Supply Chain Management.
A Raman
Harvard Business Review 79 (5), 25-26, 2001
The effectiveness of RFID in backroom and sales floor inventory management
S Goyal, BC Hardgrave, JA Aloysius, N DeHoratius
The International Journal of Logistics Management 27 (3), 795-815, 2016
The role of execution in managing product availability
N DeHoratius, Z Ton
Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies, 53-77, 2015
Customer preferences for delivery service attributes in attended home delivery
P Amorim, N DeHoratius, F Eng-Larsson, S Martins
Management science 70 (11), 7559-7578, 2024
Warehousing: The evolution continues
A Maltz, N DeHoratius
Warehousing Education and Research Council, Oak Brook, IL, 2004
The past, present, and future of retail analytics: Insights from a survey of academic research and interviews with practitioners
RP Rooderkerk, N DeHoratius, A Musalem
Production and Operations Management 31 (10), 3727-3748, 2022
Consistency and recovery in retail supply chains
E Bendoly, N Craig, N DeHoratius
Journal of Business Logistics 39 (1), 26-37, 2018
An empirical study of the behavior of patients who leave the emergency department without being seen
E Bolandifar, N DeHoratius, T Olsen, J Wiler
Journal of Operations Management 65 (5), 430-446, 2019
Execution quality: An analysis of fulfillment errors at a retail distribution center
N Craig, N DeHoratius, Y Jiang, D Klabjan
Journal of Operations Management 38, 25-40, 2015
Modeling the behavior of patients who leave the emergency department without being seen
E Bolandifar, N DeHoratius, T Lennon Olsen, JL Wiler
Chicago Booth Research Paper, 430-446, 2016
Execution failures in retail supply chains-a virtual reality experiment
N DeHoratius, Ö Gürerk, D Honhon, KB Hyndman
Chicago Booth Research Paper, 2020
In search of intra-industry bullwhips
M Jin, N DeHoratius, G Schmidt
International Journal of Production Economics 191, 51-65, 2017
Want to reduce the bullwhip? Measure it. Here’s how
M Jin, N DeHoratius, G Schmidt
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 22 (4), 297-304, 2017
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