Reza Hafezi
Reza Hafezi
Ďalšie menáرضا حافظی, ر حافظی, R Hafezi
National Research Institute for Science Policy
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Citované v
Citované v
A bat-neural network multi-agent system (BNNMAS) for stock price prediction: Case study of DAX stock price
R Hafezi, J Shahrabi, E Hadavandi
Applied Soft Computing Journal 29, 196–210, 2015
An overview of global energy scenarios by 2040: identifying the driving forces using cross-impact analysis method
S Ghasemian, A Faridzad, P Abbaszadeh, A Taklif, A Ghasemi, R Hafezi
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-24, 2020
A new Pythagorean fuzzy-based decision-making method through entropy measure for fuel cell and hydrogen components supplier selection
M Alipour, R Hafezi, P Rani, M Hafezi, A Mardani
Energy, 121208, 2021
A new hybrid fuzzy cognitive map-based scenario planning approach for Iran's oil production pathways in the postesanction period
M Alipour, R Hafezi, M Amer, A Akhavan
Energy 135, 851-864, 2017
Characteristics and scenarios of solar energy development in Iran: Fuzzy cognitive map-based approach
M Alipour, R Hafezi, E Papageorgiou, M Hafezi, M Alipour
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 116, 2019
A New Hybrid Decision Framework for Prioritizing Funding Allocation to Iran’s Energy Sector
M Alipour, S Alighale, R Hafezi, M Omranievardi
Energy 121, 388–402, 2017
Projecting Plausible Futures for Iranian Oil and Gas industries: Analyzing of Historical Strategies
R Hafezi, A Akhavan, S Pakseresht
Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 39, 15-27, 2017
A Comparative Assessment of Predicting Daily Solar Radiation Using Bat Neural Network (BNN), Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN), and Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) System: A Case Study
MM Lotfinejad, R Hafezi, M Khanali, SS Hosseini, M Mehrpooya, ...
Energies 11 (5), 1188, 2018
Long-term policy evaluation: Application of a new robust decision framework for Iran's energy exports security
M Alipour, R Hafezi, B Ervural, MA Kaviani, Ö Kabak
Energy 157, 914-931, 2018
Iran in the emerging global natural gas market: A scenario-based competitive analysis and policy assessment
R Hafezi, DA Wood, AN Akhavan, S Pakseresht
Resources Policy 68, 2020
Global natural gas demand to 2025: A learning scenario development model
R Hafezi, AN Akhavan, S Pakseresht, D A. Wood
Energy 224, 2021
Forecasting Gold Price Changes: Application of an Equipped Artificial Neural Network
R Hafezi, A Akhavan
AUT Journal of Modeling & Simulation 50 (1), 71-82, 2018
A Layered Uncertainties Scenario Synthesizing (LUSS) Model Applied to Evaluate Multiple Potential Long-run Outcomes for Iran’s Natural Gas Exports
R Hafezi, A Akhavan, S Pakseresht, DA Wood
Energy 169, 646-659, 2019
Review of global energy trends towards 2040 and recommendations for Iran oil and gas sector
H Heidari, M Akbari, A Souhankar, R Hafezi
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022
Renewable Energy Sources: Traditional and Modern Age Technologies
R Hafezi, M Alipour
Affordable and Clean Energy: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development …, 2021
Sustainability in Development: Rethinking About Old Paradigms
R Hafezi, M Bahrami, AN Akhavan
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 13 (2), 192–204, 2017
Energy Security and Sustainable Development
R Hafezi, M Alipour
Affordable and Clean Energy: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development …, 2021
Developing a Data Mining Based Model to Extract Predictor Factors in Energy Systems: Application of Global Natural Gas Demand
R Hafezi, AN Akhavan, M Zamani, S Pakseresht, S Shamshirband
Energies 12 (21), 2019
Sociodemographic and individual predictors of residential solar water heater adoption behaviour
M Alipour, S Ghaboulian Zare, FR Taghikhah, R Hafezi
Energy Research & Social Science 101, 2023
Analyzing Iran’s science and technology foresight programs: recommendations for further practices
R Hafezi, S Malekifar, A Akhavan
Foresight 20 (3), 312-331, 2018
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