Owen Bodley
Owen Bodley
Photon Factory, University of Auckland
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Citované v
Fast femtosecond laser ablation for efficient cutting of sintered alumina substrates
RN Oosterbeek, T Ward, S Ashforth, O Bodley, AE Rodda, MC Simpson
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 84, 105-110, 2016
Femtosecond lasers for high-precision orthopedic surgery
SA Ashforth, RN Oosterbeek, OLC Bodley, C Mohr, C Aguergaray, ...
Lasers in Medical Science 35, 1263-1270, 2020
Measuring the ablation threshold fluence in femtosecond laser micromachining with vortex and Bessel pulses
RN Oosterbeek, S Ashforth, O Bodley, MC Simpson
Optics Express 26 (26), 34558-34568, 2018
Raman on a disc: High-quality Raman spectroscopy in an open channel on a centrifugal microfluidic disc
JW Martin, MK Nieuwoudt, MJT Vargas, OLC Bodley, TS Yohendiran, ...
Analyst 142 (10), 1682-1688, 2017
Ultrashort pulse laser interactions with cortical bone tissue for applications in orthopaedic surgery
SA Ashforth, MC Simpson, O Bodley, R Oosterbeek
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2015
Ablation threshold dependence on incident wavelength during ultrashort pulsed laser ablation
RN Oosterbeek, S Ashforth, O Bodley, MC Simpson
International Journal of Nanotechnology 14 (1-6), 313-322, 2017
Refractive index gratings in electro-optic polymer thin films
D Bogunovic, SG Raymond, S Janssens, D Clarke, O Bodley, S Ashforth, ...
Applied Optics 55 (17), 4676-4682, 2016
Spatial shaping of femtosecond laser pulses for improved micromachining efficiency
RN Oosterbeek, S Ashforth, O Bodley, MC Simpson
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2016
Fast femtosecond laser ablation for efficient cutting of sintered alumina and quartz substrates
RN Oosterbeek, T Ward, C Corazza, O Bodley, S Ashforth, A Rodda, ...
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2016
Theoretical basis of the diagonal scan method for determining the laser ablation threshold for femtosecond vortex pulses
RN Oosterbeek, S Ashforth, O Bodley, MC Simpson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.10332, 2018
Investigating ultrashort laser pulses as a LASer Scalpel for Orthopedic Surgery (LASSOS)
SA Ashforth, RN Oosterbeek, OLC Bodley, MC Simpson
CLEO: Applications and Technology, AW4O. 1, 2016
From art fading to sperm sorting
MC Simpson, SJ Thompson, S Ashforth, O Bodley, R Oosterbeek, H Ware, ...
2014 OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference …, 2014
Raman on a disc: high-quality Raman spectroscopy in an open channel on a centrifugal microfluidic disc.
M Simpson, M Nieuwoudt, MJT Vargas, OLC Bodley, TS Yohendiran, ...
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017
Optimisation of femtosecond laser ablation parameters for efficient cutting of sintered alumina wafers
T Ward, RN Oosterbeek, O Bodley, A Rodda, S Ashforth, S Cather
Ultrashort pulsed laser ablation threshold dependence on incident wavelength in monocrystalline silicon
RN Oosterbeek, O Bodley, S Ashforth, S Cather
An Apparatus to Control the Spatial Beam Characteristics for Femtosecond Laser Ablation of a Wide Variety of Materials
O Bodley, S Ashforth, RN Oosterbeek, S Cather
Ultrashort laser ablation of load bearing and skull cortical bone tissue: A comparative study
S Ashforth, RN Oosterbeek, O Bodley, S Cather
Lab on Chip
JW Martin, MK Nieuwoudt, MJT Vargas, OLC Bodley, TS Yohendiran, ...
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