Matthew S. Wood
Matthew S. Wood
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The production of entrepreneurial opportunity: a constructivist perspective
MS Wood, W McKinley
Strategic entrepreneurship journal 4 (1), 66-84, 2010
A process model of academic entrepreneurship
MS Wood
Business horizons 54 (2), 153-161, 2011
Toward a cognitive view of signalling theory: Individual attention and signal set interpretation
W Drover, MS Wood, AC Corbett
Journal of management studies 55 (2), 209-231, 2018
Opportunity evaluation as rule‐based decision making
MS Wood, DW Williams
Journal of management studies 51 (4), 573-602, 2014
Learning from Levi–Strauss’ legacy: Art, craft, engineering, bricolage, and brokerage in entrepreneurship
BT Stinchfield, RE Nelson, MS Wood
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 37 (4), 889-921, 2013
Making it personal: Opportunity individuation and the shaping of opportunity beliefs
MS Wood, A McKelvie, JM Haynie
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (2), 252-272, 2014
Attributes of angel and crowdfunded investments as determinants of VC screening decisions
W Drover, MS Wood, A Zacharakis
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41 (3), 323-347, 2017
Entrepreneurship and subjective well-being: The mediating role of psychological functioning
B Nikolaev, CJ Boudreaux, M Wood
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44 (3), 557-586, 2020
Opportunity evaluation as future focused cognition: Identifying conceptual themes and empirical trends
MS Wood, A McKelvie
International journal of management reviews 17 (2), 256-277, 2015
Back to the future: A time-calibrated theory of entrepreneurial action
MS Wood, RM Bakker, G Fisher
Academy of management review 46 (1), 147-171, 2021
Applying experimental methods to advance entrepreneurship research: On the need for and publication of experiments
DW Williams, MS Wood, JR Mitchell, D Urbig
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (2), 215-223, 2019
Does one size fit all? The multiple organizational forms leading to successful academic entrepreneurship
MS Wood
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 929-947, 2009
Take the money or run? Investors' ethical reputation and entrepreneurs' willingness to partner
W Drover, MS Wood, Y Fassin
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (6), 723-740, 2014
Rule-based reasoning for understanding opportunity evaluation
DW Williams, MS Wood
Academy of Management Perspectives 29 (2), 218-236, 2015
Past as prologue: Entrepreneurial inaction decisions and subsequent action judgments
MS Wood, DW Williams, W Drover
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (1), 107-127, 2017
The road to riches? A model of the cognitive processes and inflection points underpinning entrepreneurial action
MS Wood, DW Williams, DA Grégoire
Entrepreneurial action, 207-252, 2012
Measuring opportunity evaluation: Conceptual synthesis and scale development
DJ Scheaf, AC Loignon, JW Webb, ED Heggestad, MS Wood
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (2), 2020
The effects of perceived control on venture capitalist investment decisions: A configurational perspective
W Drover, MS Wood, GT Payne
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (4), 833-861, 2014
The entrepreneurial opportunity construct: dislodge or leverage?
MS Wood, W McKinley
Academy of Management Perspectives 34 (3), 352-365, 2020
Taken on faith? The impact of uncertainty, knowledge relatedness, and richness of information on entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation
MS Wood, JM Pearson
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 16 (2), 117-130, 2009
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