The production of entrepreneurial opportunity: a constructivist perspective MS Wood, W McKinley Strategic entrepreneurship journal 4 (1), 66-84, 2010 | 586 | 2010 |
A process model of academic entrepreneurship MS Wood Business horizons 54 (2), 153-161, 2011 | 321 | 2011 |
Toward a cognitive view of signalling theory: Individual attention and signal set interpretation W Drover, MS Wood, AC Corbett Journal of management studies 55 (2), 209-231, 2018 | 288 | 2018 |
Opportunity evaluation as rule‐based decision making MS Wood, DW Williams Journal of management studies 51 (4), 573-602, 2014 | 283 | 2014 |
Learning from Levi–Strauss’ legacy: Art, craft, engineering, bricolage, and brokerage in entrepreneurship BT Stinchfield, RE Nelson, MS Wood Entrepreneurship theory and practice 37 (4), 889-921, 2013 | 277 | 2013 |
Making it personal: Opportunity individuation and the shaping of opportunity beliefs MS Wood, A McKelvie, JM Haynie Journal of Business Venturing 29 (2), 252-272, 2014 | 274 | 2014 |
Attributes of angel and crowdfunded investments as determinants of VC screening decisions W Drover, MS Wood, A Zacharakis Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41 (3), 323-347, 2017 | 261 | 2017 |
Entrepreneurship and subjective well-being: The mediating role of psychological functioning B Nikolaev, CJ Boudreaux, M Wood Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44 (3), 557-586, 2020 | 203 | 2020 |
Opportunity evaluation as future focused cognition: Identifying conceptual themes and empirical trends MS Wood, A McKelvie International journal of management reviews 17 (2), 256-277, 2015 | 175 | 2015 |
Back to the future: A time-calibrated theory of entrepreneurial action MS Wood, RM Bakker, G Fisher Academy of management review 46 (1), 147-171, 2021 | 172 | 2021 |
Applying experimental methods to advance entrepreneurship research: On the need for and publication of experiments DW Williams, MS Wood, JR Mitchell, D Urbig Journal of Business Venturing 34 (2), 215-223, 2019 | 129 | 2019 |
Does one size fit all? The multiple organizational forms leading to successful academic entrepreneurship MS Wood Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 929-947, 2009 | 114 | 2009 |
Take the money or run? Investors' ethical reputation and entrepreneurs' willingness to partner W Drover, MS Wood, Y Fassin Journal of Business Venturing 29 (6), 723-740, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Rule-based reasoning for understanding opportunity evaluation DW Williams, MS Wood Academy of Management Perspectives 29 (2), 218-236, 2015 | 111 | 2015 |
Past as prologue: Entrepreneurial inaction decisions and subsequent action judgments MS Wood, DW Williams, W Drover Journal of Business Venturing 32 (1), 107-127, 2017 | 97 | 2017 |
The road to riches? A model of the cognitive processes and inflection points underpinning entrepreneurial action MS Wood, DW Williams, DA Grégoire Entrepreneurial action, 207-252, 2012 | 93 | 2012 |
Measuring opportunity evaluation: Conceptual synthesis and scale development DJ Scheaf, AC Loignon, JW Webb, ED Heggestad, MS Wood Journal of Business Venturing 35 (2), 2020 | 87 | 2020 |
The effects of perceived control on venture capitalist investment decisions: A configurational perspective W Drover, MS Wood, GT Payne Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (4), 833-861, 2014 | 86 | 2014 |
The entrepreneurial opportunity construct: dislodge or leverage? MS Wood, W McKinley Academy of Management Perspectives 34 (3), 352-365, 2020 | 79 | 2020 |
Taken on faith? The impact of uncertainty, knowledge relatedness, and richness of information on entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation MS Wood, JM Pearson Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 16 (2), 117-130, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |