Fabio Petrillo
Citované v
Citované v
Code smells and refactoring: A tertiary systematic review of challenges and observations
G Lacerda, F Petrillo, M Pimenta, YG Guéhéneuc
Journal of Systems and Software 167, 110610, 2020
What went wrong? A survey of problems in game development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta, F Trindade, C Dietrich
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 7 (1), 1-22, 2009
A survey of video game testing
C Politowski, F Petrillo, YG Guéhéneuc
2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST …, 2021
A systematic literature review on automated log abstraction techniques
D El-Masri, F Petrillo, YG Guéhéneuc, A Hamou-Lhadj, A Bouziane
Information and Software Technology 122, 106276, 2020
What skills do IT companies look for in new developers? A study with Stack Overflow jobs
JE Montandon, C Politowski, LL Silva, MT Valente, F Petrillo, ...
Information and Software Technology 129, 106429, 2021
Software configuration engineering in practice interviews, survey, and systematic literature review
M Sayagh, N Kerzazi, B Adams, F Petrillo
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 46 (6), 646-673, 2018
Houston, we have a problem... a survey of actual problems in computer games development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta, F Trindade, C Dietrich
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 707-711, 2008
Is agility out there? Agile practices in game development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Design of …, 2010
Are REST APIs for cloud computing well-designed? An exploratory study
F Petrillo, P Merle, N Moha, YG Guéhéneuc
Service-Oriented Computing: 14th International Conference, ICSOC 2016, Banff …, 2016
Are the old days gone? A survey on actual software engineering processes in video game industry
C Politowski, L Fontoura, F Petrillo, YG Guéhéneuc
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Games and Software …, 2016
Game industry problems: An extensive analysis of the gray literature
C Politowski, F Petrillo, GC Ullmann, YG Guéhéneuc
Information and Software Technology 134, 106538, 2021
Serverless on machine learning: A systematic mapping study
A Barrak, F Petrillo, F Jaafar
IEEE Access 10, 99337-99352, 2022
Towards automated video game testing: still a long way to go
C Politowski, YG Guéhéneuc, F Petrillo
Proceedings of the 6th international ICSE workshop on games and software …, 2022
Are game engines software frameworks? A three-perspective study
C Politowski, F Petrillo, JE Montandon, MT Valente, YG Guéhéneuc
Journal of Systems and Software 171, 110846, 2021
Interactive analysis of Likert scale data using a multichart visualization tool.
F Petrillo, AS Spritzer, CMDS Freitas, MS Pimenta
IHC+ CLIHC 67, 358-368, 2011
Dataset of video game development problems
C Politowski, F Petrillo, GC Ullmann, J de Andrade Werly, YG Guéhéneuc
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on mining software …, 2020
A Large Scale Empirical Study of the Impact of Spaghetti Code and Blob Anti-patterns on Program Comprehension
AM Cristiano Politowski, Foutse Khomh, Simone Romano, Giuseppe Scanniello ...
Information and Software Technology, 106278, 2020
A Tertiary Systematic Literature Review on Software Visualization
L Bedu, O Tinh, F Petrillo
2019 IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 2019
On semantic detection of cloud API (anti) patterns
H Brabra, A Mtibaa, F Petrillo, P Merle, L Sliman, N Moha, W Gaaloul, ...
Information and Software Technology 107, 65-82, 2019
Learning from the past: A process recommendation system for video game projects using postmortems experiences
C Politowski, LM Fontoura, F Petrillo, YG Guéhéneuc
Information and Software Technology 100, 103-118, 2018
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