S K Saha
S K Saha
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Assessment of agricultural drought in Rajasthan (India) using remote sensing derived Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
D Dutta, A Kundu, NR Patel, SK Saha, AR Siddiqui
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 18 (1), 53-63, 2015
Assessing potential of MODIS derived temperature/vegetation condition index (TVDI) to infer soil moisture status
NR Patel, R Anapashsha, S Kumar, SK Saha, VK Dadhwal
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (1), 23-39, 2009
Analysis of agricultural drought using vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) from Terra/MODIS satellite data
NR Patel, BR Parida, V Venus, SK Saha, VK Dadhwal
Environmental monitoring and assessment 184, 7153-7163, 2012
Multi-resolution segmentation for object-based classification and accuracy assessment of land use/land cover classification using remotely sensed data
M Rejaur Rahman, SK Saha
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 36, 189-201, 2008
Remote sensing, spatial multi criteria evaluation (SMCE) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in optimal cropping pattern planning for a flood prone area
R Rahman, SK Saha
Journal of Spatial Science 53 (2), 161-177, 2008
Geospatial analysis of land use land cover change modeling in Phewa Lake watershed of Nepal by using GEOMOD model
RR Regmi, SK Saha, DS Subedi
Himalayan Physics, 65-72, 2017
Land evaluation by integrating remote sensing and GIS for cropping system analysis in a watershed
D Martin, SK Saha
Current science, 569-575, 2009
Water and wind induced soil erosion assessment and monitoring using remote sensing and GIS
SK Saha
Satellite remote sensing and GIS applications in agricultural meteorology …, 2003
Quantifying the underestimation of soil organic carbon by the Walkley and Black technique–examples from Himalayan and Central Indian soils
G Krishan, SK Srivastav, S Kumar, SK Saha, VK Dadhwal
Current Science, 1133-1136, 2009
Desertification in western Rajasthan (India): an assessment using remote sensing derived rain-use efficiency and residual trend methods
A Kundu, NR Patel, SK Saha, D Dutta
Natural Hazards 86, 297-313, 2017
Digital processing of Landsat TM data for wasteland mapping in parts of Aligarh District (Uttar Pradesh), India
SK Saha, M Kudrat, SK Bhan
Remote Sensing 11 (3), 485-492, 1990
Hyperspectral satellite data in mapping salt-affected soils using linear spectral unmixing analysis
G Ghosh, S Kumar, SK Saha
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 40, 129-136, 2012
Remote sensing of regional yield assessment of wheat in Haryana, India
NR Patel, B Bhattacharjee, AJ Mohammed, B Tanupriya, SK Saha
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (19), 4071-4090, 2006
Use of satellite spectral data in crop yield estimation surveys
R Singh, RC Goyal, SK Saha, RS Chhikara
International Journal of Remote Sensing 13 (14), 2583-2592, 1992
Longitudinal shear properties of human compact bone and its constituents, and the associated failure mechanisms
S Saha
Journal of materials science 12, 1798-1806, 1977
Hyperspectral remote sensing data derived spectral indices in characterizing salt-affected soils: a case study of Indo-Gangetic plains of India
S Kumar, G Gautam, SK Saha
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 3299-3308, 2015
Spatial dynamics of cropland and cropping pattern change analysis using Landsat TM and IRS P6 LISS III satellite images with GIS
M Rahman, S Saha
Geo-spatial information science 12 (2), 123-134, 2009
GIS-based frequency ratio and Shannon's entropy techniques for flood vulnerability assessment in Patna district, Central Bihar, India
D Sarkar, S Saha, P Mondal
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 19 (9), 8911-8932, 2022
Monitoring of water stress in wheat using multispectral indices derived from Landsat-TM
N Dangwal, NR Patel, M Kumari, SK Saha
Geocarto International 31 (6), 682-693, 2016
Flood hazard zonation–A GIS aided multi criteria evaluation (MCE) approach with remotely sensed data
MR Rahman, SK Saha
Int. J. Geoinf 3 (3), 25-35, 2007
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