Omer Nawaf Maaitah
Omer Nawaf Maaitah
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Citované v
Feasibility and optimal sizing analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems: A case study of Al-Karak, Jordan"
ONM Rafat Al Afif, Yasmine Ayed
Renewable Energy 204 (1), Pages 229-249, 2023
Soil stabilization by chemical agent
ON Maaitah
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 30, 1345-1356, 2012
Using oil shale ash in concrete binder
H Al-Hamaiedh, O Maaitah, S Mahadin
Ejge 15 (6), 6, 2010
An experimental investigation of vertical vibration of model footings on sand
AS Al-Homoud, ON Al-Maaitah
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 15 (7), 431-445, 1996
Assessing quality performance through seven total quality management practices
S Hussain, M Alsmairat, N Al-Maaitah, S Almrayat
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 11 (1), 41-52, 2023
Assessment the effect of homogenized soil on soil hydraulic properties and soil water transport
O Mohawesh, M Janssen, O Maaitah, B Lennartz
Eurasian Soil Science 50, 1077-1085, 2017
Controlled land application of olive mill wastewater (OMW): Enhance soil indices and barley growth performance in arid environments
O Mohawesh, A Albalasmeh, H Al-Hamaiedeh, S Qaraleh, O Maaitah, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-12, 2020
Mechanical properties of natural building stone: jordanian building limestone as an example
NM Naghoj, NAR Youssef, ON Maaitah
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 3 (1), 37-48, 2010
Geological features and geochemical characteristics of Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous K-bentonites from northwestern Turkey
MC Göncüoğlu, A Günal-Türkmenoğlu, Ö Bozkaya, Ö Ünlüce-Yücel, ...
Clay Minerals 51 (4), 539-562, 2016
Treatment of oil polluted soil using electrochemical method
HD Al-Hamaiedh, ON Maaitah
Alexandria Engineering Journal 50 (1), 105-110, 2011
Utilization of natural and industrial mineral admixtures as cement substitutes for concrete production in Jordan
ON Maaitah, NAA Hadi, M Abdelhadi
Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology 6 (4), 51-58, 2015
Soil-water characteristic curve model-silty sand soil
O Maaitah
Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 6 (1), 54-67, 2012
The influence of matric suction on the shear strength of highly plastic compacted swelling clays
AM Elsharief, OA Abdelaziz, MA Dafallaa
University of Khartoum, 2015
Evaluation of Al-Karak ash for stabilization of marl clayey soil
ON Maaitah
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 17 (1), 1041-1054, 2012
Soil stabilization by lime
NAR Youssef, ON Maaitah, K Qdeshat
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 17, 1747-1757, 2012
Effect of Treated Wastewater on the Behavior of unsaturated soil
ON Maaitah, SA Tarawneh
Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences 3 (5), 360-369, 2003
Variation on shear strength of unsaturated subgrade causes road cracks
O Nawaf Maaitah, S Atta-Allah Mahadin
Journal of Applied Sciences 4 (3), 335-339, 2004
Vibration of a straight tube conveying fluid with inclined branching
AA Al-Maaitah, S Lilkova-Markova
10th International Congres on Sound and Vibration, 4491-4498, 2003
Improving shear strength and other mechanical properties of clayey soil-ash mixtures
NO Maaitah, NA Hadi, MAA Hadi
Electron. J. Geotech. Eng 17, 1261-1278, 2012
Experimental verification of a theoretical model for the shear strength of unsaturated soil
ON Maaitah
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 10, 1, 2005
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