José Enrique García Raso
José Enrique García Raso
Profesor de Zoología, Universidad de Málaga
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Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution.
A Zenetos, S Gofas, M Verlaque, ME Çinar, JE García Raso, CN Bianchi, ...
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 2010
Crustacea Decapoda (excl. Sergestidae) from Ibero-moroccan waters. Results of Balgim-84 expedition
JEG Raso
Bulletin of Marine Science 58 (3), 730-752, 1996
Brachyura of the coast of southern Spain (Crustacea, Decapoda)
JE García-Raso
Spixiana 7 (2), 105-113, 1984
Study of a Crustacea Decapoda taxocoenosis of Posidonia oceanica beds from the Southeast of Spain.
JE Garcia-Raso
Marine ecology. Berlin 11 (4), 309-326, 1990
Decapod crustacean assemblages from littoral bottoms of the Alborán Sea (Spain, west Mediterranean Sea): spatial and temporal variability
JEG Muñoz, ME Manjón-Cabeza, JEG Raso
Scientia Marina 72 (3), 437-449, 2008
El mar más rico de Europa: Biodiversidad del litoral occidental de Málaga entre Calaburras y Calahonda
JEG Raso
Consejería de Medio Ambiente, 2010
Population Structure and Growth of the Hermit Crab Diogenes Pugilator (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) From the Northeastern Atlantic
ME Manjón-Cabeza, JE García-Raso
Journal of Crustacean Biology 18 (4), 753-762, 1998
Annotated checklist of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe)
E Marco-Herrero, P Abelló, P Drake, JE García-Raso, ...
Morphological reproductive aspects of males of Diogenes pugilator (Roux, 1829) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from southern Spain
ME Manjón-Cabeza, JEG Raso
Sarsia 85 (3), 195-202, 2000
The crustacean decapod communities of three coral reefs from the southwestern Caribbean Sea of Cuba: species composition, abundance and structure of the communities
JC Iglesias, JE Raso
Bulletin of Marine Science 65 (2), 539-557, 1999
New record of Lithodidae (Crustacea Decapoda, Anomura) from the Antarctic (Bellingshausen Sea)
JE García Raso, ME Manjón-Cabeza, A Ramos, I Olaso
Polar Biology 28, 642-646, 2005
Insights on the female reproductive system in Hippolyte inermis (Decapoda, Caridea): is this species really hermaphroditic?
V Cobos, V Díaz, G Raso, J Enrique, ME Manjón‐Cabeza
Invertebrate Biology 124 (4), 310-320, 2005
Primera cita de Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841)(Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Xanthidae) en la Península Ibérica
JAC Mariscal, JE García-Raso, JI Gonzilez Gordillo
Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr 7 (2), 149-153, 1991
Estudio de una comunidad de Crustáceos Decápodos de fondos coralígenos del alga calcárea Mesophyllum lichenoides del sur de España
JE García Raso, R Fernández Muñoz
Invest. Pesq 51 (Supl 1), 301-322, 1987
Genetic evidence for cryptic speciation in the freshwater shrimp genus Atyaephyra de Brito Capello (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae)
JEG MUÑOZ, A Rodriguez, JEG RASO, JA Cuesta
Zootaxa 2025 (1), 32–42-32–42, 2009
Structure and evolution of a decapod crustacean community from the coastal detritic bottoms of Barbate (Cadiz, Southern Spain)
ME Manjón-Cabeza, JE García Raso
Journal of Natural History 32 (10-11), 1619-1630, 1998
Study of a population of Calcinus tubularis (Crustacea, Diogenidae) from a shallow Posidonia oceanica meadow
ME Manjon-Cabeza, JE García Raso
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 36 (4), 277-284, 1995
Diel and seasonal changes in the structure of a Decapod (Crustacea: Decapoda) community of Cymodocea nodosa from Southeastern Spain (West Mediterranean …
JE García Raso, MJ Martín, V Díaz, V Cobos, ME Manjón-Cabeza
Issues of Decapod Crustacean Biology, 59-68, 2006
Benthic fauna of littoral and deep-sea habitats of the Alboran Sea: a hotspot of biodiversity
JL Rueda, S Gofas, R Aguilar, A de la Torriente, JE García Raso, ...
Alboran Sea-ecosystems and marine resources, 285-358, 2021
Seasonal variation and structure of a decapod (Crustacea) assemblage living in a Caulerpa prolifera meadow in Cádiz Bay (SW Spain)
IL De La Rosa, A Rodríguez, JEG Raso
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66 (3-4), 624-633, 2006
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