Guilherme De Oliveira
Guilherme De Oliveira
Professor da UFRB
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EcoClimate: a database of climate data from multiple models for past, present, and future for macroecologists and biogeographers
MS Lima-Ribeiro, S Varela, J González-Hernández, G De Oliveira, ...
Biodiversity Informatics 10, 2015
Drawbacks to palaeodistribution modelling: the case of South American seasonally dry forests
RG Collevatti, LC Terribile, G de Oliveira, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, JC Nabout, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (2), 345-358, 2013
A coupled phylogeographical and species distribution modelling approach recovers the demographical history of a N eotropical seasonally dry forest tree species
RG Collevatti, LC Terribile, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, JC Nabout, G de Oliveira, ...
Molecular Ecology 21 (23), 5845-5863, 2012
Areas of climate stability of species ranges in the Brazilian Cerrado: disentangling uncertainties through time
LC Terribile, MB Araújo
Associação Brasileira de Ciência Ecológica e Conservação, 2012
Conserving the Brazilian semiarid (Caatinga) biome under climate change
G de Oliveira, MB Araújo, TF Rangel, D Alagador, JAF Diniz-Filho
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2913-2926, 2012
Evaluating, partitioning, and mapping the spatial autocorrelation component in ecological niche modeling: a new approach based on environmentally equidistant records
G de Oliveira, TF Rangel, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, LC Terribile, JAF Diniz‐Filho
Ecography 37 (7), 637-647, 2014
Planning for optimal conservation of geographical genetic variability within species
JAF Diniz-Filho, DB Melo, G de Oliveira, RG Collevatti, TN Soares, ...
Conservation Genetics 13, 1085-1093, 2012
Spatial patterns of terrestrial vertebrate species richness in the Brazilian Cerrado
JAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini, CM Vieira, D Blamires, LC Terribile, RP Bastos, ...
Conservation of Neotropical carnivores under different prioritization scenarios: mapping species traits to minimize conservation conflicts
RD Loyola, G De Oliveira, JAF Diniz‐Filho, TM Lewinsohn
Diversity and Distributions 14 (6), 949-960, 2008
Stability of Brazilian seasonally dry forests under climate change: inferences for long-term conservation
RG Collevatti, MS Lima-Ribeiro, JAF Diniz-Filho, G Oliveira, ...
American Journal of Plant Sciences 4 (4), 792-805, 2013
Agriculture, habitat loss and spatial patterns of human occupation in a biodiversity hotspot
JAF Diniz-Filho, G Oliveira, F Lobo, LG Ferreira, LM Bini, TFLVB Rangel
Scientia Agricola 66, 764-771, 2009
Macroecologia, biogeografia e áreas prioritárias para conservação no cerrado
JAF Diniz Filho, LM Bini, PG de Oliveira, B Souza, MMFP da Silva, ...
Oecologia brasiliensis 13 (3), 470-497, 2009
Could refuge theory and rivers acting as barriers explain the genetic variability distribution in the Atlantic Forest?
ALR Caze, G Mäder, TS Nunes, LP Queiroz, G de Oliveira, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101, 242-251, 2016
Conservation planning: a macroecological approach using the endemic terrestrial vertebrates of the Brazilian Cerrado
JÉAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini, MÍP Pinto, LC Terribile, G de Oliveira, ...
Oryx 42 (4), 567-577, 2008
Correlation between genetic diversity and environmental suitability: taking uncertainty from ecological niche models into account
JAF Diniz‐Filho, H Rodrigues, MPDC Telles, GD Oliveira, LC Terribile, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 15 (5), 1059-1066, 2015
Optimizing reproducibility evaluation for random amplified polymorphic DNA markers
JR Ramos, MPC Telles, JAF Diniz-Filho, TN Soares, DB Melo, G Oliveira
Genet. Mol. Res 7 (4), 1384-1391, 2008
ecoClimate vs. Worldclim: variables climáticas SIG para trabajar en biogeografía
S Varela, LC Terribile, G de Oliveira, JAF Diniz-Filho, ...
Ecosistemas 24 (3), 88-92, 2015
Spatial patterns of terrestrial vertebrates richness in Brazilian semiarid, Northeastern Brazil: Selecting hypotheses and revealing constraints
G de Oliveira, JAF Diniz-Filho
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (11), 1418-1426, 2010
Recovering the demographical history of a Brazilian Cerrado tree species Caryocar brasiliense: coupling ecological niche modeling and coalescent analyses
RG Collevatti, MS Lima-Ribeiro, AC Souza-Neto, AA Franco, G Oliveira, ...
Natureza & Conservação 10 (2), 169-176, 2012
Habitat use and deconstruction of richness patterns in Cerrado birds
D Blamires, G de Oliveira, B de Souza Barreto, JAF Diniz-Filho
Acta Oecologica 33 (1), 97-104, 2008
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