Christian Hensen
Christian Hensen
GEOMAR - GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
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Citované v
Deep sulfate reduction completely mediated by anaerobic methane oxidation in sediments of the upwelling area off Namibia
C Niewöhner, C Hensen, S Kasten, M Zabel, HD Schulz
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 62 (3), 455-464, 1998
The global inventory of methane hydrate in marine sediments: A theoretical approach
K Wallmann, E Pinero, E Burwicz, M Haeckel, C Hensen, A Dale, ...
Energies 5 (7), 2449-2498, 2012
Calculation of the stability and solubility of methane hydrate in seawater
P Tishchenko, C Hensen, K Wallmann, CS Wong
Chemical geology 219 (1-4), 37-52, 2005
Fluid expulsion related to mud extrusion off Costa Rica—A window to the subducting slab
C Hensen, K Wallmann, M Schmidt, CR Ranero, E Suess
Geology 32 (3), 201-204, 2004
Control of sulfate pore-water profiles by sedimentary events and the significance of anaerobic oxidation of methane for the burial of sulfur in marine sediments
C Hensen, M Zabel, K Pfeifer, T Schwenk, S Kasten, N Riedinger, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (14), 2631-2647, 2003
Early diagenesis of redox-sensitive trace metals in the Peru upwelling area–response to ENSO-related oxygen fluctuations in the water column
F Scholz, C Hensen, A Noffke, A Rohde, V Liebetrau, K Wallmann
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (22), 7257-7276, 2011
Organic carbon content in surface sediments—defining regional provinces
K Seiter, C Hensen, J Schröter, M Zabel
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 51 (12), 2001-2026, 2004
Hydrogeological system of erosional convergent margins and its influence on tectonics and interplate seismogenesis
CR Ranero, I Grevemeyer, H Sahling, U Barckhausen, C Hensen, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (3), 2008
Microbial methane turnover at mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz
H Niemann, J Duarte, C Hensen, E Omoregie, VH Magalhaes, M Elvert, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (21), 5336-5355, 2006
Sources of mud volcano fluids in the Gulf of Cadiz—indications for hydrothermal imprint
C Hensen, M Nuzzo, E Hornibrook, LM Pinheiro, B Bock, VH Magalhães, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (5), 1232-1248, 2007
Estimation of the global inventory of methane hydrates in marine sediments using transfer functions
E Pinero, M Marquardt, C Hensen, M Haeckel, K Wallmann
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 959-975, 2013
Diagenetic alteration of magnetic signals by anaerobic oxidation of methane related to a change in sedimentation rate
N Riedinger, K Pfeifer, S Kasten, JFL Garming, C Vogt, C Hensen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (16), 4117-4126, 2005
A revised global estimate of dissolved iron fluxes from marine sediments
AW Dale, L Nickelsen, F Scholz, C Hensen, A Oschlies, K Wallmann
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (5), 691-707, 2015
Mud mounds: a polygenetic spectrum of fine-grained carbonate buildups
G Flajs, M Vigener, H Keupp, D Meischner, F Neuweiler, J Paul, J Reitner, ...
Facies 32, 1-69, 1995
Benthic iron and phosphorus fluxes across the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
A Noffke, C Hensen, S Sommer, F Scholz, L Bohlen, T Mosch, M Graco, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 57 (3), 851-867, 2012
Benthic carbon mineralization on a global scale
K Seiter, C Hensen, M Zabel
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (1), 2005
Beyond the Black Sea paradigm: the sedimentary fingerprint of an open-marine iron shuttle
F Scholz, S Severmann, J McManus, C Hensen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 127, 368-380, 2014
The impact of ocean deoxygenation on iron release from continental margin sediments
F Scholz, J McManus, AC Mix, C Hensen, RR Schneider
Nature Geoscience 7 (6), 433-437, 2014
Nitrate-dependent iron oxidation limits iron transport in anoxic ocean regions
F Scholz, CR Löscher, A Fiskal, S Sommer, C Hensen, U Lomnitz, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 454, 272-281, 2016
Benthic nitrogen cycling traversing the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
L Bohlen, AW Dale, S Sommer, T Mosch, C Hensen, A Noffke, F Scholz, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (20), 6094-6111, 2011
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