Ann Marie Ryan
Ann Marie Ryan
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Does stereotype threat affect test performance of minorities and women? A meta-analysis of experimental evidence.
HHD Nguyen, AM Ryan
Journal of applied psychology 93 (6), 1314, 2008
Applicants’ perceptions of selection procedures and decisions: A critical review and agenda for the future
AM Ryan, RE Ployhart
Journal of management 26 (3), 565-606, 2000
An international look at selection practices: Nation and culture as explanations for variability in practice
AM Ryan, L McFarland, HB SHL
Personnel psychology 52 (2), 359-392, 1999
Attitudes and effectiveness: Examining relations at an organizational level
AM Ryan, MJ Schmit, R Johnson
Personnel psychology 49 (4), 853-882, 1996
The Big Five in personnel selection: Factor structure in applicant and nonapplicant populations.
MJ Schmit, AM Ryan
Journal of applied psychology 78 (6), 966, 1993
Variance in faking across noncognitive measures.
LA McFarland, AM Ryan
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (5), 812, 2000
The use of impression management tactics in structured interviews: A function of question type?
APJ Ellis, BJ West, AM Ryan, RP DeShon
Journal of applied psychology 87 (6), 1200, 2002
Frame-of-reference effects on personality scale scores and criterion-related validity.
MJ Schmit, AM Ryan, SL Stierwalt, AB Powell
Journal of Applied Psychology 80 (5), 607, 1995
Work‐life policy implementation: Breaking down or creating barriers to inclusiveness?
AM Ryan, EE Kossek
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2008
Personality and adaptive performance at work: a meta-analytic investigation.
JL Huang, AM Ryan, KL Zabel, A Palmer
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (1), 162, 2014
A century of selection
AM Ryan, RE Ployhart
Annual review of psychology 65 (1), 693-717, 2014
Applicant self-selection: Correlates of withdrawal from a multiple hurdle process.
AM Ryan, JM Sacco, LA McFarland, SD Kriska
Journal of applied psychology 85 (2), 163, 2000
Toward an explanation of applicant reactions: An examination of organizational justice and attribution frameworks
RE Ployhart, AM Ryan
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 72 (3), 308-335, 1997
The evolution and future of diversity at work.
Q Roberson, AM Ryan, BR Ragins
Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 483, 2017
Psychological contracts and counterproductive work behaviors: Employee responses to transactional and relational breach
JM Jensen, RA Opland, AM Ryan
Journal of Business and Psychology 25, 555-568, 2010
Applicants' reactions to the fairness of selection procedures: The effects of positive rule violations and time of measurement.
RE Ployhart, AM Ryan
Journal of Applied Psychology 83 (1), 3, 1998
“Temporary worker, permanent loser?” A model of the stigmatization of temporary workers
AS Boyce, AM Ryan, AL Imus, FP Morgeson
Journal of Management 33 (1), 5-29, 2007
From “work–family” to “work–life”: Broadening our conceptualization and measurement
J Keeney, EM Boyd, R Sinha, AF Westring, AM Ryan
Journal of Vocational Behavior 82 (3), 221-237, 2013
Understanding and changing social systems: An ecological view
JG Kelly, AM Ryan, BE Altman, SP Stelzner
Handbook of community psychology, 133-159, 2000
Not welcome here: Discrimination towards women who wear the Muslim headscarf
S Ghumman, AM Ryan
Human relations 66 (5), 671-698, 2013
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