Parvathy Prem
Parvathy Prem
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Citované v
The impact of satellite constellations on space as an ancestral global commons
A Venkatesan, J Lowenthal, P Prem, M Vidaurri
Nature Astronomy 4 (11), 1043-1048, 2020
Transport of Water in a Transient Impact-Generated Lunar Atmosphere
P Prem, NA Artemieva, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Icarus 255, 148-158, 2015
Volatile interactions with the lunar surface
PG Lucey, N Petro, DM Hurley, WM Farrell, P Prem, ES Costello, ...
Geochemistry 82 (3), 125858, 2022
Water group exospheres and surface interactions on the Moon, Mercury, and Ceres
N Schörghofer, M Benna, AA Berezhnoy, B Greenhagen, BM Jones, S Li, ...
Space Science Reviews 217 (6), 74, 2021
The evolution of a spacecraft‐generated lunar exosphere
P Prem, DM Hurley, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (8), e2020JE006464, 2020
The Influence of Surface Roughness on Volatile Transport on the Moon
P Prem, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Icarus, 2017
Ethical exploration and the role of planetary protection in disrupting colonial practices
F Tavares, D Buckner, D Burton, J McKaig, P Prem, E Ravanis, N Trevino, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.08344, 2020
Understanding and mitigating plume effects during powered descents on the moon and mars
RN Watkins, PT Metzger, M Mehta, D Han, P Prem, L Sibille, A Dove, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12312, 2021
Exosphere-mediated migration of volatile species on airless bodies across the solar system
JK Steckloff, D Goldstein, L Trafton, P Varghese, P Prem
Icarus 384, 115092, 2022
Surface volatiles on the Moon
DM Hurley, MA Siegler, JTS Cahill, A Colaprete, E Costello, AN Deutsch, ...
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 89 (1), 787-827, 2023
Coupled DSMC-Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Modeling of Gas Dynamics in a Transient Impact-Generated Lunar Atmosphere
P Prem, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Icarus 326, 88-104, 2019
Surface exospheric interactions
B Teolis, M Sarantos, N Schorghofer, B Jones, C Grava, A Mura, P Prem, ...
Space Science Reviews 219 (1), 4, 2023
A lingering local exosphere created by a gas plume of a lunar lander
WM Farrell, P Prem, OJ Tucker, DM Hurley, BA Cohen, M Benna
Icarus 376, 114857, 2022
Relative magnitudes of water sources to the lunar poles
PG Lucey, E Costello, DM Hurley, P Prem, WM Farrell, N Petro, M Cable
51st annual lunar and planetary science conference, 2319, 2020
Lunar volatiles and solar system science
P Prem, Á Kereszturi, AN Deutsch, CA Hibbitts, CA Schmidt, C Grava, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06317, 2020
Managing Activities at the Lunar Poles for Science
IA Crawford, P Prem, C Pieters, M Anand
Space Research Today 215, 45-51, 2022
Temperatures of the Lacus Mortis region of the Moon
JP Williams, BT Greenhagen, KA Bennett, DA Paige, N Kumari, ...
Earth and Space Science 9 (2), e2021EA001966, 2022
Possible Anthropogenic Contributions to the LAMP-observed Surficial Icy Regolith within Lunar Polar Craters: A Comparison of Apollo and Starship Landings
WM Farrell, P Prem, DM Hurley, OJ Tucker, RM Killen
The Planetary Science Journal 5 (5), 105, 2024
Modeling thermal emission under lunar surface environmental conditions
P Prem, BT Greenhagen, KLD Hanna, KA Shirley, TD Glotch
The Planetary Science Journal 3 (7), 180, 2022
Science from the lunar per-manently shadowed regions
D Hurley, P Prem, A Stickle, C Hibbitts, A Deutsch, A Colaprete, R Elphic, ...
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1559, 2020
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