Ali Shebl
Ali Shebl
Geology Department, Faculty of science, Tanta Univ., Egypt.
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Citované v
Reappraisal of DEMs, Radar and optical datasets in lineaments extraction with emphasis on the spatial context
ASÁ Csámer
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 24, 2021
Lithological mapping enhancement by integrating Sentinel 2 and gamma-ray data utilizing support vector machine: A case study from Egypt
ÁC AliShebl, MahmoudAbdellatif, MusaHissen, MahmoudIbrahim Abdelaziz
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 105, 2021
Multisource data analysis for gold potentiality mapping of Atalla area and its environs, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
A Shebl, M Abdellatif, SO Elkhateeb, Á Csámer
Minerals 11 (6), 641, 2021
Effective delineation of rare metal-bearing granites from remote sensing data using machine learning methods: A case study from the Umm Naggat Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
ÁC Mohamed A.Abdelkader, Yasushi Watanabe, Ali Shebl, Hanna A.El-Dokouny ...
Ore Geology Reviews 150, 2022
Stacked vector multi-source lithologic classification utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms: Data potentiality and dimensionality monitoring
A Shebl, Á Csámer
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 24, 100643, 2021
Transpressive structures in the Ghadir Shear Belt, Eastern Desert, Egypt: evidence for partitioning of oblique convergence in the Arabian‐Nubian Shield during Gondwana …
M ABD EL‐WAHED, S Kamh, M Ashmawy, ALY Shebl
Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition 93 (6), 1614-1646, 2019
Advanced land imager superiority in lithological classification utilizing machine learning algorithms
A Shebl, T Kusky, Á Csámer
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (9), 923, 2022
PRISMA hyperspectral data for lithological mapping in the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Evaluating the support vector machine, random forest, and XG boost machine learning algorithms
A Shebl, D Abriha, AS Fahil, HA El-Dokouny, AA Elrasheed, Á Csámer
Ore Geology Reviews 161, 105652, 2023
Towards better delineation of hydrothermal alterations via multi-sensor remote sensing and airborne geophysical data
A Shebl, M Abdellatif, M Badawi, M Dawoud, AS Fahil, Á Csámer
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7406, 2023
Multi-criteria ground water potentiality mapping utilizing remote sensing and geophysical data: A case study within Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
ÁC Ali Shebl, Mahmoud Ibrahim Abdelaziz, Hosni Ghazala, Sultan Awad Sultan ...
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 25 (3), 765-778, 2022
Mapping structurally controlled alterations sparked by hydrothermal activity in the Fatira–Abu zawal area, Eastern desert, Egypt
M Badawi, M Abdelatif, A Shebl, F Makroum, A Shalaby, N Németh
Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition 97 (2), 662-680, 2023
Lithological, structural and hydrothermal alteration mapping utilizing remote sensing datasets: a case study around Um Salim area, Egypt
ÁC Ali Shebl
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 942, 2021
Multiscale mineralogical investigations for mineral potentiality mapping of Ras El-Kharit-Wadi Khashir district, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt
ÁC Hatem M.El-Desoky, AliShebl, Ahmed M.Abdel-Rahman, WaelFahmy, HamadaEl ...
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 25 (4), 941-960, 2022
Multiscale (microscopic to remote sensing) preliminary exploration of auriferous-uraniferous marbles: A case study from the Egyptian Nubian Shield
A Shebl, M Hamdy
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9173, 2023
Comparative study of the drainage basin morphometry extracted from topographic maps and SRTM DEMs: an example from Ghadir watershed, Eastern Desert, Egypt
MH Ashmawy, A El-Wahed, A Mohamed, SZ Kamh, A Shebl
Delta Journal of Science 39 (2), 52-64, 2018
Integration of geophysical and geospatial techniques to evaluate geothermal energy at Siwa Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
E Ghoneim, C Healey, M Hemida, A Shebl, A Fahil
Remote Sensing 15 (21), 5094, 2023
Novel comprehensions of lithological and structural features gleaned via Sentinel 2 texture analysis
A Shebl, M Badawi, M Dawoud, M Abd El-Wahed, HA El-Dokouny, ...
Ore Geology Reviews, 106068, 2024
Impact of DEMs for improvement sentinel 2 lithological mapping utilizing support vector machine: A case study of mineralized Fe-Ti-rich gabbroic rocks from the South Eastern …
A Shebl, HM El-Desoky, AM Abdel-Rahman, W Fahmy, H El-Awny, ...
Minerals 13 (6), 826, 2023
PRISMA vs. Landsat 9 in lithological mapping− a K-fold Cross-Validation implementation with Random Forest
A Shebl, D Abriha, M Dawoud, MAH Ali, Á Csámer
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 27 (3), 577-596, 2024
Comprehensive approach integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and physicochemical parameters to detect hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality deterioration in …
MH Eid, A Shebl, M Eissa, EA Mohamed, AS Fahil, HS Ramadan, ...
Heliyon 10 (12), 2024
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