Malcolm Spaulding
Malcolm Spaulding
Professor Emeritus, Ocean Engineering, University of RI
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A state-of-the-art review of oil spill trajectory and fate modeling
ML Spaulding
Oil and Chemical Pollution 4 (1), 39-55, 1988
State of the art review and future directions in oil spill modeling
ML Spaulding
Marine pollution bulletin 115 (1-2), 7-19, 2017
Development of a unified oil droplet size distribution model with application to surface breaking waves and subsea blowout releases considering dispersant effects
Z Li, M Spaulding, DF McCay, D Crowley, JR Payne
Marine pollution bulletin 114 (1), 247-257, 2017
Larval behavior, hydrodynamic transport, and potential offshore-to-inshore recruitment in the American lobster Homarus americanus
CH Katz, JS Cobb, M Spaulding
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 265-273, 1994
Application of three-dimensional oil spill model (WOSM/OILMAP) to hindcast the Braer spill
ML Spaulding, VS Kolluru, E Anderson, E Howlett
Spill Science & Technology Bulletin 1 (1), 23-35, 1994
An efficient artificial intelligence model for prediction of tropical storm surge
MR Hashemi, ML Spaulding, A Shaw, H Farhadi, M Lewis
Natural Hazards 82, 471-491, 2016
Three-dimensional boundary-fitted circulation model
M Muin, M Spaulding
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 123 (1), 2-12, 1997
An algorithm for modeling entrainment and naturally and chemically dispersed oil droplet size distribution under surface breaking wave conditions
Z Li, ML Spaulding, D French-McCay
Marine pollution bulletin 119 (1), 145-152, 2017
A vertically averaged circulation model using boundary-fitted coordinates
ML Spaulding
Journal of Physical Oceanography 14 (5), 973-982, 1984
3D model of estuarine circulation and water quality induced by surface discharges
W Huang, M Spaulding
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 121 (4), 300-311, 1995
Numerical solution for laminar two dimensional flow about a cylinder oscillating in a uniform stream
SE Hurlbut, ML Spaulding, FM White
OILMAP: A global approach to spill modeling
ML Spaulding, E Howlett, E Anderson, K Jayko
Theoretical estimates of the various mechanisms involved in iceberg deterioration in the open ocean environment
FM White, ML Spaulding, L Gominho
Numerical simulation of wind-driven flow through the Bering Strait
M Spaulding, T Isaji, D Mendelsohn, AC Turner
J. Phys. Oceanogr 17, 1799-1816, 1987
Modelling residence‐time response to freshwater input in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, USA
W Huang, M Spaulding
Hydrological Processes 16 (15), 3051-3064, 2002
Two-dimensional boundary-fitted circulation model in spherical coordinates
M Muin, M Spaulding
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 122 (9), 512-521, 1996
Numerical simulations of the tidal-and wind-driven circulation in Narragansett Bay
RB Gordon, ML Spaulding
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 24 (5), 611-636, 1987
Application of an integrated blowout model system, OILMAP DEEP, to the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) spill
M Spaulding, Z Li, D Mendelsohn, D Crowley, D French-McCay, A Bird
Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (1-2), 37-50, 2017
Flushing times for the Providence River based on tracer experiments
S Asselin, ML Spaulding
Estuaries 16, 830-839, 1993
A model of the tidally induced residual circulation in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
T Isaji, ML Spaulding
Journal of physical oceanography 14 (6), 1119-1126, 1984
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