Amir Szitenberg
Amir Szitenberg
The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine
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The genome of the yellow potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, reveals insights into the basis of parasitism and virulence
S Eves-van Den Akker, DR Laetsch, P Thorpe, CJ Lilley, EGJ Danchin, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-23, 2016
Temporal and spatial variation in distribution of fish environmental DNA in England's largest lake
L Lawson Handley, DS Read, IJ Winfield, H Kimbell, H Johnson, J Li, ...
Environmental DNA 1, 26– 39, 2019
Comparative genomics of apomictic root-knot nematodes: hybridization, ploidy, and dynamic genome change
A Szitenberg, L Salazar-Jaramillo, VC Blok, DR Laetsch, S Joseph, ...
Genome biology and evolution 9 (10), 2844-2861, 2017
Dissecting the factors shaping fish skin microbiomes in a heterogeneous inland water system
Y Krotman, TM Yergaliyev, R Alexander Shani, Y Avrahami, A Szitenberg
Microbiome 8, 1-15, 2020
Genetic drift, not life history or RNAi, determine long-term evolution of transposable elements
A Szitenberg, S Cha, CH Opperman, DM Bird, ML Blaxter, DH Lunt
Genome biology and evolution 8 (9), 2964-2978, 2016
Isolation and characterization of live yeast cells from ancient vessels as a tool in bio-archaeology
T Aouizerat, I Gutman, Y Paz, AM Maeir, Y Gadot, D Gelman, A Szitenberg, ...
MBio 10 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00388-19, 2019
Dasyatispora levantinae gen. et sp. nov., a new microsporidian parasite from the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca in the eastern Mediterranean
A Diamant, M Goren, MB Yokeş, BS Galil, Y Klopman, D Huchon, ...
Diseases of Aquatic organisms 91 (2), 137-150, 2010
Phylogeny of Tetillidae (Porifera, Demospongiae, Spirophorida) based on three molecular markers
A Szitenberg, LE Becking, S Vargas, JCC Fernandez, N Santodomingo, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 67 (2), 509-519, 2013
ALG11–A new variable DNA marker for sponge phylogeny: Comparison of phylogenetic performances with the 18S rDNA and the COI gene
F Belinky*, A Szitenberg*, I Goldfarb*, T Feldstein, G Wörheide, M Ilan, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 63 (3), 702-713, 2012
Diversity of sponge mitochondrial introns revealed by cox 1sequences of Tetillidae
A Szitenberg, C Rot, M Ilan, D Huchon
BMC evolutionary biology 10, 1-12, 2010
ReproPhylo: an environment for reproducible phylogenomics
A Szitenberg, M John, ML Blaxter, DH Lunt
PLoS Computational Biology 11 (9), e1004447, 2015
Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Patients Accompany Dead Sea Climatotherapy
M Brandwein, G Fuks, A Israel, F Sabbah, E Hodak, A Szitenberg, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2019
Mitochondrial group I and group II introns in the sponge orders Agelasida and Axinellida
D Huchon, A Szitenberg, S Shefer, M Ilan, T Feldstein
BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 1-14, 2015
Bacterial Community Structure Dynamics in Meloidogyne incognita-Infected Roots and Its Role in Worm-Microbiome Interactions
AS Timur Yergaliyev, Rivka Alexander-Shani, Hanna Dimeretz, Shimon Pivonia ...
mSphere 5, e00306-20, 2020
Biology of a new xenoma-forming gonadotropic microsporidium in the invasive blotchfin dragonet Callionymus filamentosus
A Diamant, SBS Rothman, M Goren, BS Galil, MB Yokes, A Szitenberg, ...
Dis Aquat Org 109, 35-54, 2014
Widespread prevalence but contrasting patterns of intragenomic rRNA polymorphisms in nematodes: Implications for phylogeny, species delimitation and life history inference
X Qing, H Bik, TM Yergaliyev, J Gu, P Fonderie, S Brown‐Miyara, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 20 (1), 318-332, 2020
Teasing apart the host-related, nutrient-related and temperature-related effects shaping the phenology and microbiome of the tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea
A Szitenberg, P Beca-Carretero, T Azcárate-García, T Yergaliyev, ...
Environmental Microbiome 17 (1), 18, 2022
Eukaryotic adaptation to years-long starvation resembles that of bacteria
T Aouizerat, D Gelman, A Szitenberg, I Gutman, S Glazer, E Reich, ...
Iscience 19, 545-558, 2019
Patch-scale to hillslope-scale geodiversity alleviates susceptibility of dryland ecosystems to climate change: insights from the Israeli Negev
I Stavi, H Yizhaq, A Szitenberg, E Zaady
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 50, 129-137, 2021
Mitochondrial and morphological variation of Tilapia zillii in Israel
A Szitenberg, M Goren, D Huchon
BMC Research Notes 5, 1-8, 2012
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