Ausonio Tuissi
Ausonio Tuissi
Research Director - Italian National Research Council - CNR ICMATE Lecco
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Aging behaviour and mechanical performance of 18-Ni 300 steel processed by selective laser melting
R Casati, JN Lemke, A Tuissi, M Vedani
Metals 6 (9), 218, 2016
Low temperature annealing dedicated to AlSi10Mg selective laser melting products
J Fiocchi, A Tuissi, P Bassani, CA Biffi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 3402-3409, 2017
Heat treatment of aluminium alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion: A review
J Fiocchi, A Tuissi, CA Biffi
Materials & Design 204, 109651, 2021
Fatigue properties of a pseudoelastic NiTi alloy: Strain ratcheting and hysteresis under cyclic tensile loading
C Maletta, E Sgambitterra, F Furgiuele, R Casati, A Tuissi
International Journal of Fatigue 66, 78-85, 2014
Effect of Nd-YAG laser welding on the functional properties of the Ni–49.6 at.% Ti
A Tuissi, S Besseghini, T Ranucci, F Squatrito, M Pozzi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 273, 813-817, 1999
Ni Ti Hf shape memory alloy: effect of aging and thermal cycling
S Besseghini, E Villa, A Tuissi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 273, 390-394, 1999
Fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi within the stress-induced transformation regime: a modified Coffin–Manson approach
C Maletta, E Sgambitterra, F Furgiuele, R Casati, A Tuissi
Smart materials and structures 21 (11), 112001, 2012
Continuous wave vs pulsed wave laser emission in selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg parts with industrial optimized process parameters: Microstructure and mechanical behaviour
CA Biffi, J Fiocchi, P Bassani, A Tuissi
Additive Manufacturing 24, 639-646, 2018
Effect of microstructure, residual stresses and building orientation on the fatigue response up to 109 cycles of an SLM AlSi10Mg alloy
A Tridello, J Fiocchi, CA Biffi, G Chiandussi, M Rossetto, A Tuissi, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 137, 105659, 2020
Selective laser melting of AlSi10 Mg: Influence of process parameters on Mg2Si precipitation and Si spheroidization
CA Biffi, J Fiocchi, A Tuissi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 755, 100-107, 2018
Characterisation of surface oxidation of nickel–titanium alloy by ion-beam and electrochemical techniques
S Barison, S Cattarin, S Daolio, M Musiani, A Tuissi
Electrochimica Acta 50 (1), 11-18, 2004
DSC analysis of strengthening precipitates in ultrafine Al–Mg–Si alloys
M Vedani, G Angella, P Bassani, D Ripamonti, A Tuissi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 87, 277-284, 2007
Mechanical spectroscopy and twin boundary properties in a Ni50. 8Ti49. 2 alloy
B Coluzzi, A Biscarini, R Campanella, L Trotta, G Mazzolai, A Tuissi, ...
Acta materialia 47 (6), 1965-1976, 1999
Building orientation-structure-property in laser powder bed fusion of NiTi shape memory alloy
M Nematollahi, SE Saghaian, K Safaei, P Bayati, P Bassani, C Biffi, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 873, 159791, 2021
Ex situ Al–Al2O3 ultrafine grained nanocomposites produced via powder metallurgy
R Casati, F Bonollo, D Dellasega, A Fabrizi, G Timelli, A Tuissi, M Vedani
Journal of alloys and compounds 615, S386-S388, 2014
Martensitic transitions and mechanical spectroscopy of Ni50. 8Ti49. 2 alloy containing hydrogen
A Biscarini, R Campanella, B Coluzzi, G Mazzolai, L Trotta, A Tuissi, ...
Acta materialia 47 (18), 4525-4533, 1999
VHCF response of Gaussian SLM AlSi10Mg specimens: Effect of a stress relief heat treatment
A Tridello, J Fiocchi, CA Biffi, G Chiandussi, M Rossetto, A Tuissi, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 124, 435-443, 2019
Enhanced nitinol properties for biomedical applications
A Biscarini, G Mazzolai, A Tuissi
Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering (Discontinued) 1 (3), 180-196, 2008
Selective laser melting of AlCu-TiB2 alloy using pulsed wave laser emission mode: processability, microstructure and mechanical properties
CA Biffi, P Bassani, J Fiocchi, M Albu, A Tuissi
Materials & Design 204, 109628, 2021
Low-frequency internal friction of hydrogen-free and hydrogen-doped NiTi alloys
FM Mazzolai, A Biscarini, B Coluzzi, G Mazzolai, E Villa, A Tuissi
Acta Materialia 55 (13), 4243-4252, 2007
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