Kun Yang
Kun Yang
MAE, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow; Chair Professor of School of CSEE, University of Essex
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Citované v
Toward cloud-based vehicular networks with efficient resource management
R Yu, Y Zhang, S Gjessing, W Xia, K Yang
IEEE Network 27 (5), 48-55, 2013
Energy Efficiency and Delay Tradeoff in Multi-User Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
S Mao, S Leng, K Yang, Q Zhao, M Liu
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
Agents: present status and trends
DY Liu, K Yang, JZ Chen
Journal of software 11 (3), 315-321, 2000
UAV-assisted relaying and edge computing: Scheduling and trajectory optimization
X Hu, KK Wong, K Yang, Z Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (10), 4738-4752, 2019
Wireless powered cooperation-assisted mobile edge computing
X Hu, KK Wong, K Yang
IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun 17 (4), 2375-2388, 2018
A DDoS attack detection and mitigation with software-defined Internet of Things framework
D Yin, L Zhang, K Yang
IEEE Access 6, 24694-24705, 2018
A DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation with Software-Defined Internet of Things Framework
D Yin, L Zhang, K Yang
IEEE Access 6, 2018
On effective offloading services for resource-constrained mobile devices running heavier mobile internet applications
K Yang, S Ou, HH Chen
Communications Magazine, IEEE 46 (1), 56-63, 2008
Joint Energy Minimization and Resource Allocation in C-RAN with Mobile Cloud
K Wang, K Yang, C Magurawalage
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 1 (99), 1-1, 2017
Joint resources and workflow scheduling in UAV-enabled wirelessly-powered MEC for IoT systems
Y Du, K Yang, K Wang, G Zhang, Y Zhao, D Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (10), 10187-10200, 2019
Mobile social networks: Architectures, social properties, and key research challenges
N Vastardis, K Yang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 15 (3), 1355-1371, 2012
A heuristic clustering-based task deployment approach for load balancing using Bayes theorem in cloud environment
J Zhao, K Yang, X Wei, Y Ding, L Hu, G Xu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (2), 305-316, 2015
Deep Learning Based Joint Resource Scheduling Algorithms for Hybrid MEC Networks
F Jiang, K Wang, L Dong, C Pan, W Xu, K Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09598, 2019
Convergence of Ethernet PON and IEEE 802.16 broadband access networks and its QoS-aware dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme
K Yang, S Ou, K Guild, HH Chen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (2), 101-116, 2009
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the deployment and power assignment problem in wireless sensor networks
A Konstantinidis, K Yang, Q Zhang, D Zeinalipour-Yazti
Computer networks 54 (6), 960-976, 2010
Performance evaluation of OpenFlow-based software-defined networks based on queueing model
B Xiong, K Yang, J Zhao, W Li, K Li
Computer Networks 102, 172-185, 2016
Integrated data and energy communication network: A comprehensive survey
J Hu, K Yang, G Wen, L Hanzo
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (4), 3169-3219, 2018
A tutorial on the internet of things: From a heterogeneous network integration perspective
K Xu, Y Qu, K Yang
IEEE Network 30 (2), 102-108, 2016
A multihop peer-communication protocol with fairness guarantee for IEEE 802.16-based vehicular networks
K Yang, S Ou, HH Chen, J He
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (6), 3358-3370, 2007
Orthogonal resource sharing scheme for device-to-device communication overlaying cellular networks: a cooperative relay based approach
GP Zhang, P Liu, K Yang, Y Du, YJ Hu
Science China Information Sciences 58 (10), 1-9, 2015
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