Trisna Julian
Trisna Julian
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
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Citované v
Fast and noninvasive electronic nose for sniffing out COVID-19 based on exhaled breath-print recognition
DK Nurputra, A Kusumaatmaja, MS Hakim, SN Hidayat, T Julian, ...
NPJ Digital Medicine 5 (1), 115, 2022
Quartz crystal microbalance humidity sensors integrated with hydrophilic polyethyleneimine-grafted polyacrylonitrile nanofibers
A Rianjanu, T Julian, SN Hidayat, N Yulianto, N Majid, I Syamsu, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 319, 128286, 2020
Intelligent mobile electronic nose system comprising a hybrid polymer-functionalized quartz crystal microbalance sensor array
T Julian, SN Hidayat, A Rianjanu, AB Dharmawan, HS Wasisto, K Triyana
ACS omega 5 (45), 29492-29503, 2020
The electronic nose coupled with chemometric tools for discriminating the quality of black tea samples in situ
SN Hidayat, K Triyana, I Fauzan, T Julian, D Lelono, Y Yusuf, ...
Chemosensors 7 (3), 29, 2019
Chitosan-based quartz crystal microbalance for alcohol sensing
K Triyana, A Sembiring, A Rianjanu, SN Hidayat, R Riowirawan, T Julian, ...
Electronics 7 (9), 181, 2018
Polyacrylonitrile nanofiber-based quartz crystal microbalance for sensitive detection of safrole
A Rianjanu, R Roto, T Julian, SN Hidayat, A Kusumaatmaja, EA Suyono, ...
Sensors 18 (4), 1150, 2018
Hybrid learning method based on feature clustering and scoring for enhanced COVID-19 breath analysis by an electronic nose
SN Hidayat, T Julian, AB Dharmawan, M Puspita, L Chandra, A Rohman, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 129, 102323, 2022
Quartz crystal microbalance coated with PEDOT–PSS/PVA nanofiber for a high-performance humidity sensor
T Julian, A Rianjanu, SN Hidayat, A Kusumaatmaja, R Roto, K Triyana
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 8 (2), 243-250, 2019
Quartz crystal microbalance coated by PAN nanofibers and PEDOT: PSS for humidity sensor
SN Hidayat, T Julian, A Rianjanu, A Kusumaatmadja, K Triyana
2017 International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and …, 2017
eNose-TB: A trial study protocol of electronic nose for tuberculosis screening in Indonesia
AMI Saktiawati, K Triyana, SD Wahyuningtias, B Dwihardiani, T Julian, ...
PLoS One 16 (4), e0249689, 2021
Swelling behavior in solvent vapor sensing based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Coated Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber
A Rianjanu, SN Hidayat, T Julian, EA Suyono, A Kusumaatmaja, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 367, 012020, 2018
Electronic nose coupled with linear and nonlinear supervised learning methods for rapid discriminating quality grades of superior java cocoa beans
SN Hidayat, A Rusman, T Julian, K Triyana, ACA Veloso, AM Peres
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (6), 167-176, 2019
Polyacrylonitrile nanofiber as polar solvent N, N-dimethyl formamide sensor based on quartz crystal microbalance technique
A Rianjanu, T Julian, SN Hidayat, EA Suyono, A Kusumaatmaja, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011, 012067, 2018
Pengujian Akuisisi Data sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04 dengan Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535
IPT Indrayana, T Julian, K Triyana
vol 6, 6, 2017
UV light-driven photodegradation of methylene blue by using Mn0. 5Zn0. 5Fe2O4/SiO2 nanocomposites
IPT Indrayana, T Julian, E Suharyadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011 (1), 012062, 2018
Polyacrylamide coated on quartz crystal microbalance electrodes for highly sensitive sensor of acetic acid
A Rizani, SS Winingsih, A Rianjanu, T Julian, S Nur Hidayat, ...
Materials Science Forum 948, 254-259, 2019
Testing Data Acquisition of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Using ATMEGA 8535 Microcontroller
IPT Indrayana, T Julian, K Priyanka
2017 UNIERA 6, 2017
Electronic nose coupled with support vector machines for rapid discrimination of black tea according to the quality levels
KO Kombo, SN Hidayat, K Triyana, T Julian, A Kusmaatmaja
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics …, 2019
Development of potentiometric electronic tongue to identify adulteration of olive pomace oil in extra virgin olive oil
M Tamara, CN Hafifah, T Julian, D Lelono, R Roto, K Triyana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2858 (1), 2023
Strategies for improving the quality of the ground coffee product: a case study at SMEs X Malang, Indonesia
DM Ikasari, I Santoso, T Julian
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (1), 012066, 2021
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