Simon Ripperger
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From radio telemetry to ultra-low-power sensor networks: Tracking bats in the wild
F Dressler, S Ripperger, M Hierold, T Nowak, C Eibel, B Cassens, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (1), 129-135, 2016
Development of new food-sharing relationships in vampire bats
GG Carter, DR Farine, RJ Crisp, JK Vrtilek, SP Ripperger, RA Page
Current Biology 30 (7), 1275-1279. e3, 2020
Thinking small: next-generation sensor networks close the size gap in vertebrate biologging
SP Ripperger, GG Carter, RA Page, N Duda, A Koelpin, R Weigel, ...
PLoS biology 18 (4), e3000655, 2020
Frugivorous bats maintain functional habitat connectivity in agricultural landscapes but rely strongly on natural forest fragments
SP Ripperger, EKV Kalko, B Rodríguez-Herrera, F Mayer, M Tschapka
PloS one 10 (4), e0120535, 2015
Life in a mosaic landscape: anthropogenic habitat fragmentation affects genetic population structure in a frugivorous bat species
SP Ripperger, M Tschapka, EKV Kalko, B Rodriguez-Herrera, F Mayer
Conservation Genetics 14, 925-934, 2013
Vampire bats that cooperate in the lab maintain their social networks in the wild
SP Ripperger, GG Carter, N Duda, A Koelpin, B Cassens, R Kapitza, ...
Current Biology 29 (23), 4139-4144. e4, 2019
BATS: Adaptive ultra low power sensor network for animal tracking
N Duda, T Nowak, M Hartmann, M Schadhauser, B Cassens, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3343, 2018
Automated proximity sensing in small vertebrates: design of miniaturized sensor nodes and first field tests in bats
S Ripperger, D Josic, M Hierold, A Koelpin, R Weigel, M Hartmann, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6 (7), 2179-2189, 2016
Proximity sensors on common noctule bats reveal evidence that mothers guide juveniles to roosts but not food
S Ripperger, L Günther, H Wieser, N Duda, M Hierold, B Cassens, ...
Biology letters 15 (2), 20180884, 2019
Tracking sickness effects on social encounters via continuous proximity sensing in wild vampire bats
SP Ripperger, S Stockmaier, GG Carter
Behavioral Ecology 31 (6), 1296-1302, 2020
Monitoring bats in the wild: On using erasure codes for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks
F Dressler, M Mutschlechner, B Li, R Kapitza, S Ripperger, C Eibel, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 12 (1), 1-29, 2016
Resisting habitat fragmentation: High genetic connectivity among populations of the frugivorous bat Carollia castanea in an agricultural landscape
SP Ripperger, M Tschapka, EKV Kalko, B Rodríguez-Herrera, F Mayer
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 185, 9-15, 2014
Movement seasonality in a desert-dwelling bat revealed by miniature GPS loggers
I Conenna, A López-Baucells, R Rocha, S Ripperger, M Cabeza
Movement ecology 7, 1-10, 2019
Social foraging in vampire bats is predicted by long-term cooperative relationships
SP Ripperger, GG Carter
PLoS Biology 19 (9), e3001366, 2021
Nocturnal scent in a ‘bird-fig’: a cue to attract bats as additional dispersers?
SP Ripperger, S Rehse, S Wacker, EKV Kalko, S Schulz, ...
PloS one 14 (8), e0220461, 2019
Automated Encounter Detection for Animal-Borne Sensor Nodes.
B Cassens, S Ripperger, M Hierold, F Mayer, R Kapitza
EWSN 17, 20-22, 2017
Foraging Behavior and Habitat Selection of Noack’s Round-Leaf Bat (Hipposideros aff. ruber) and Conservation Implications
EE Nkrumah, P Vallo, SM Klose, SP Ripperger, EK Badu, F Gloza-Rausch, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 9 (4), 1940082916680428, 2016
Home range of Noack's round-leaf bat (Hipposideros aff. ruber) in an agricultural landscape of central Ghana
EE Nkrumah, P Vallo, SM Klose, S Ripperger, EK Badu, C Drosten, ...
Acta Chiropterologica 18 (1), 239-247, 2016
Fruit characteristics associated with fruit preferences in frugivorous bats and saddle-back tamarins in Perú
SP Ripperger, EW Heymann, M Tschapka, EKV Kalko
Ecotropica 20 (1-2), 53-63, 2014
Non-Invasive Low Power ECG for Heart Beat Detection of Bats
N Duda, A Barthule, S Ripperger, F Mayer, R Weigel, A Koelpin
2019 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet …, 2019
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