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Citované v
Design of Tsunami Detector based Sort Message Service using arduino and sim900a to GSM/GPRS module
PDP Adi, AD Prasetya, AB Setiawan, N Nachrowie, R Arifuddin
A performance evaluation of ZigBee mesh communication on the Internet of Things (IoT)
PDP Adi, V Sihombing, VMM Siregar, GJ Yanris, FA Sianturi, W Purba, ...
2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2021
The broiler chicken coop temperature monitoring use fuzzy logic and LoRAWAN
YA Liani, IR Munthe, D Irmayani, BE Broto, GJ Yanris, DA Prasetya, ...
2021 3rd International Conference on Electronics Representation and …, 2021
Scientometric analysis of digital entrepreneurship through bibliometric visualizing in the last 10 years
FI Maulana, A Purnomo, FC Pratama, VP Widharta, R Arifuddin
Small and medium enterprises problem and potential solutions for waste management
DA Prasetya, A Sanusi, G Chandrarin, E Roikhah, I Mujahidin, R Arifuddin
J. Southwest Jiaotong Univ 54 (6), 1-9, 2019
Application of IoT-LoRa Technology and Design in irrigation canals to improve the quality of agricultural products in Batu Indonesia
PDP Adi, DA Prasetya, R Arifuddin, AP Sari, FS Mukti, V Sihombing, ...
2021 2nd International Conference On Smart Cities, Automation & Intelligent …, 2021
LoRaWAN Technology in Irrigation Channels in Batu Indonesia
PDP Adi, A Kitagawa, DA Prasetya, R Arifuddin, S Yoseph
Jurnal Ilmuah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 7 (3), 522-537, 2021
Short‐Term Wind Speed and Direction Forecasting by 3DCNN and Deep Convolutional LSTM
AP Sari, H Suzuki, T Kitajima, T Yasuno, DA Prasetya, R Arifuddin
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 17 (11), 1620-1628, 2022
O2 Gas Generating Prototype In Public Transportation
AT Nugraha, R Arifuddin
JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science …, 2020
Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Detak Jantung, Suhu Tubuh, dan Tensimeter Berbasis Arduino Uno serta Smartphone Android
Y Afriansyah, R Arifuddin, Y Novrianto
Prosiding SinarFe7-IB 1 (2), 2018
Community Culture Improvisation Regarding Waste Management Systems and Per Capita Income Increase
DA Prasetya, A Sanusi, G Chandrarin, E Roikhah, I Mujahidin, R Arifuddin
J. Southwest Jiaotong Univ 54 (6), 2019
Pengembangan Sistem Akuisisi Data Nirkabel untuk Pengukuran Distribusi Suhu Bawah Permukaan
R Arifuddin, O Setyawati, DR Santoso
Jurnal EECCIS 9 (2), 2015
Design of Tsunami Detector Based Sort Message Service Using Arduino and SIM900A to GSM
PDP Adi, R Arifuddin
GPRS Module, JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and …, 1982
Water Purification Technology Implementation Design
AT Nugraha, R Arifuddin
JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science …, 2020
Baby Room Temperature and Humidity Control System Using Fuzzy Logic
R Arifuddin, W Dirgantara, A Sumarahinsih, RPI Hafsari1, FI Maulana, ...
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro 24 (3), 275-280, 2024
Monitoring aquaponik dengan android untuk meningkatkan minat masyarakat dalam bercocok tanam di kecamatan porong
W Dirgantara, R Arifuddin, I Mujahidin
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang 6 (1), 133-141, 2021
Gas Pressure Measurement On Rocket Chamber Based On Strain Gauge Sensor
AT Nugraha, R Arifuddin
JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science …, 2020
Identifikasi Sensor Suhu pada Setup Awal Untuk Pengukuran Suhu Bawah Permukaan
R Arifuddin, Y Sinatra
JEECAE (Journal Electr. Electron. Control. Automot. Eng., vol. 3, no. 2, pp …, 2018
†œPengembangan Sistem Akuisisi Data Nirkabel untuk Pengukuran Distribusi Suhu Bawah Permukaan, †J
R Arifuddin, DR Santoso, O Setyawati
EECCIS 9 (2), 123â, 0
Implementasi palang pintu otomatis dengan pendeteksi masker berbasis raspberry Pi 3B+
K Tiwikrama, A Rabi, R Arifuddin
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Články 1–20