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Alien species along the italian coasts: an overview A OCChiPiNTi-AMBROGi, A MARChiNi, G Cantone, A CASTElli, ... Biological invasions 13, 215-237, 2011 | 331 | 2011 |
Polychaete reproductive patterns, life cycles and life histories: an overview A Giangrande Oceanography and Marine Biology. Vol 35, 1997 | 299 | 1997 |
Polychaetes as environmental indicators revisited A Giangrande, M Licciano, L Musco Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (11), 1153-1162, 2005 | 290 | 2005 |
Adaptation and acclimatization to ocean acidification in marine ectotherms: an in situ transplant experiment with polychaetes at a shallow CO2 vent system P Calosi, SPS Rastrick, C Lombardi, HJ de Guzman, L Davidson, ... Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013 | 250 | 2013 |
Mediterranean bioconstructions along the Italian coast G Ingrosso, M Abbiati, F Badalamenti, G Bavestrello, G Belmonte, ... Advances in marine biology 79, 61-136, 2018 | 212 | 2018 |
Biodiversity, conservation, and the ‘Taxonomic impediment’ A Giangrande Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13 (5), 451-459, 2003 | 194 | 2003 |
LI FE-CYC LEANDLIFE-HISTO RY D IVERSITY IN MAR IN E INVERT EBR AT ES AND THE IM PLICATIO NS IN COMMU NITY DYNA MIC S A Giangrande, S Geraci, G Belmonte Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 32, 305-333, 1994 | 191 | 1994 |
Additions to the annotated list of marine alien biota in the Mediterranean with special emphasis on Foraminifera and Parasites A Zenetos, E MER, M Verlaque, P Galli, CF BOUDOURESQUE, ... Mediterranean Marine Science 9 (1), 119-165, 2008 | 164 | 2008 |
Pre-and post-settlement events in benthic community dynamics S Fraschetti, A Giangrande, A Terlizzi, F Boero Oceanologica Acta 25 (6), 285-295, 2002 | 151 | 2002 |
Polychaetes of commercial and applied interest in Italy: an overview MC Gambi, A Castelli, A Giangrande, P Lanera, D Prevedelli, ... Actes de la 4eme Conference internationale des Polychetes. Memoires du …, 1994 | 130 | 1994 |
Structural and functional response of meiofauna rocky assemblages to sewage pollution S Fraschetti, C Gambi, A Giangrande, L Musco, A Terlizzi, R Danovaro Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (5), 540-548, 2006 | 126 | 2006 |
Distribution of soft-bottom polychaetes in two coastal areas of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy): structural analysis MC Gambi, A Giangrande Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 23 (6), 847-862, 1986 | 121 | 1986 |
Gametogenesis and larval development in Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean Sea A Giangrande, M Licciano, P Pagliara, MC Gambi Mar. Biol 136, 847-861, 2000 | 111 | 2000 |
Filtering activity of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt)(Porifera, Demospongiae) on bacterioplankton: Implications for bioremediation of polluted seawater L Stabili, M Licciano, A Giangrande, C Longo, M Mercurio, CN Marzano, ... Water research 40 (16), 3083-3090, 2006 | 106 | 2006 |
Polychaete zonation and its relation to algal distribution down a vertical cliff in the western Mediterranean (Italy): a structural analysis A Giangrande Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 120 (3), 263-276, 1988 | 106 | 1988 |
Annelida polychaeta A CAstelli, CN Bianchi, GAA CANtoNe, ME Çinar, MC Gambi, ... Biologia Marina Mediterranea 15 (Suppl 1), 323-373, 2008 | 101 | 2008 |
Spatio-temporal variation of hydroids and polychaetes associated with Cystoseira amentacea (Fucales: Phaeophyceae) S Fraschetti, A Giangrande, A Terlizzi, MP Miglietta, L Della Tommasa, ... Marine Biology 140, 949-957, 2002 | 89 | 2002 |
Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast G Corriero, C Pierri, S Accoroni, G Alabiso, G Bavestrello, E Barbone, ... Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26 (2), 392-409, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Effects of offshore platforms on soft-bottom macro-benthic assemblages: a case study in a Mediterranean gas field A Terlizzi, S Bevilacqua, D Scuderi, D Fiorentino, G Guarnieri, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (7), 1303-1309, 2008 | 79 | 2008 |