Visible light-driven efficient overall water splitting using p -type metal-nitride nanowire arrays MG Kibria, FA Chowdhury, S Zhao, B AlOtaibi, ML Trudeau, H Guo, Z Mi
Nature communications 6 (1), 6797, 2015
380 2015 Ultralow-threshold electrically injected AlGaN nanowire ultraviolet lasers on Si operating at low temperature KH Li, X Liu, Q Wang, S Zhao, Z Mi
Nature nanotechnology 10 (2), 140-144, 2015
320 2015 Tuning the surface Fermi level on p -type gallium nitride nanowires for efficient overall water splitting MG Kibria, S Zhao, FA Chowdhury, Q Wang, HPT Nguyen, ML Trudeau, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3825, 2014
300 2014 Aluminum nitride nanowire light emitting diodes: Breaking the fundamental bottleneck of deep ultraviolet light sources S Zhao, AT Connie, MHT Dastjerdi, XH Kong, Q Wang, M Djavid, S Sadaf, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8332, 2015
266 2015 One-step overall water splitting under visible light using multiband InGaN/GaN nanowire heterostructures MG Kibria, HPT Nguyen, K Cui, S Zhao, D Liu, H Guo, ML Trudeau, ...
ACS nano 7 (9), 7886-7893, 2013
246 2013 III-Nitride nanowire optoelectronics S Zhao, HPT Nguyen, MG Kibria, Z Mi
Progress in Quantum Electronics 44, 14-68, 2015
243 2015 Highly stable photoelectrochemical water splitting and hydrogen generation using a double-band InGaN/GaN core/shell nanowire photoanode B AlOtaibi, HPT Nguyen, S Zhao, MG Kibria, S Fan, Z Mi
Nano letters 13 (9), 4356-4361, 2013
235 2013 An AlGaN core–shell tunnel junction nanowire light-emitting diode operating in the ultraviolet-C band SM Sadaf, S Zhao, Y Wu, YH Ra, X Liu, S Vanka, Z Mi
Nano letters 17 (2), 1212-1218, 2017
144 2017 Three-dimensional quantum confinement of charge carriers in self-organized AlGaN nanowires: A viable route to electrically injected deep ultraviolet lasers S Zhao, SY Woo, M Bugnet, X Liu, J Kang, GA Botton, Z Mi
Nano letters 15 (12), 7801-7807, 2015
136 2015 p-Type InN nanowires S Zhao, BH Le, DP Liu, XD Liu, MG Kibria, T Szkopek, H Guo, Z Mi
Nano letters 13 (11), 5509-5513, 2013
132 2013 Tuning the surface charge properties of epitaxial InN nanowires S Zhao, S Fathololoumi, KH Bevan, DP Liu, MG Kibria, Q Li, GT Wang, ...
Nano letters 12 (6), 2877-2882, 2012
130 2012 Magnetic transition, long-range order, and moment fluctuations in the pyrochlore iridate Eu Ir O S Zhao, JM Mackie, DE MacLaughlin, OO Bernal, JJ Ishikawa, Y Ohta, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (18), 180402, 2011
116 2011 High efficiency photoelectrochemical water splitting and hydrogen generation using GaN nanowire photoelectrode B AlOtaibi, M Harati, S Fan, S Zhao, HPT Nguyen, MG Kibria, Z Mi
Nanotechnology 24 (17), 175401, 2013
110 2013 AlN/h-BN heterostructures for Mg dopant-free deep ultraviolet photonics DA Laleyan, S Zhao, SY Woo, HN Tran, HB Le, T Szkopek, H Guo, ...
Nano letters 17 (6), 3738-3743, 2017
109 2017 Growth of large-scale vertically aligned GaN nanowires and their heterostructures with high uniformity on SiO x by catalyst-free molecular beam epitaxy S Zhao, MG Kibria, Q Wang, HPT Nguyen, Z Mi
Nanoscale 5 (12), 5283-5287, 2013
108 2013 Controlled Coalescence of AlGaN Nanowire Arrays: An Architecture for Nearly Dislocation-Free Planar Ultraviolet Photonic Device Applications. BH Le, S Zhao, X Liu, SY Woo, GA Botton, Z Mi
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 28 (38), 8446-8454, 2016
107 2016 An electrically injected AlGaN nanowire laser operating in the ultraviolet-C band S Zhao, X Liu, SY Woo, J Kang, GA Botton, Z Mi
Applied Physics Letters 107 (4), 2015
103 2015 On the mechanism of highly efficient p-type conduction of Mg-doped ultra-wide-bandgap AlN nanostructures NH Tran, BH Le, S Zhao, Z Mi
Applied Physics Letters 110 (3), 2017
102 2017 Surface emitting, high efficiency near-vacuum ultraviolet light source with aluminum nitride nanowires monolithically grown on silicon S Zhao, M Djavid, Z Mi
Nano letters 15 (10), 7006-7009, 2015
102 2015 Sub-milliwatt AlGaN nanowire tunnel junction deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes on silicon operating at 242 nm S Zhao, SM Sadaf, S Vanka, Y Wang, R Rashid, Z Mi
Applied Physics Letters 109 (20), 2016
88 2016