Marianne Penker
Marianne Penker
Professor Rural Sociology and Rural Development, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
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Citované v
Citované v
Contributions of cultural services to the ecosystem services agenda
TC Daniel, A Muhar, A Arnberger, O Aznar, JW Boyd, KMA Chan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (23), 8812-8819, 2012
Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals
D Fraisl, J Campbell, L See, U Wehn, J Wardlaw, M Gold, I Moorthy, ...
Sustainability Science 15, 1735-1751, 2020
Exploring empirical typologies of human–nature relationships and linkages to the ecosystem services concept
CG Flint, I Kunze, A Muhar, Y Yoshida, M Penker
Landscape and Urban Planning 120, 208-217, 2013
Co-production of knowledge in transdisciplinary doctoral theses on landscape development—an analysis of actor roles and knowledge types in different research phases
B Enengel, A Muhar, M Penker, B Freyer, S Drlik, F Ritter
Landscape and Urban Planning 105 (1-2), 106-117, 2012
A meta-analysis of shrinking cities in Europe and Japan. Towards an integrative research agenda
S Döringer, Y Uchiyama, M Penker, R Kohsaka
European Planning Studies 28 (9), 1693-1712, 2020
Mapping and measuring the ecological embeddedness of food supply chains
M Penker
Geoforum 37 (3), 368-379, 2006
Human–nature relationships and linkages to environmental behaviour
MT Braito, K Böck, C Flint, A Muhar, S Muhar, M Penker
Environmental Values 26 (3), 365-389, 2017
Sustainable local food production and consumption: Challenges for implementation and research
M Schönhart, M Penker, E Schmid
Outlook on agriculture 38 (2), 175-182, 2009
Challenging pathways to safe water access in rural Uganda: From supply to demand-driven water governance
R Naiga, M Penker, K Hogl
International Journal of the Commons 9 (1), 2015
Insights into the black box of collective efforts for the registration of Geographical Indications
XF Quinones-Ruiz, M Penker, G Belletti, A Marescotti, S Scaramuzzi, ...
Land Use Policy 57, 103-116, 2016
Higher education institutions and regional development: A meta-analysis
V Peer, M Penker
International Regional Science Review 39 (2), 228-253, 2016
Do farmers care about rented land? A multi-method study on land tenure and soil conservation
H Leonhardt, M Penker, K Salhofer
Land use policy 82, 228-239, 2019
Managing group processes in transdisciplinary future studies: How to facilitate social learning and capacity building for self-organised action towards sustainable urban …
E Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, M Penker
Futures 65, 57-71, 2015
Individual and collective socio-psychological patterns of photovoltaic investment under diverging policy regimes of Austria and Italy
M Braito, C Flint, A Muhar, M Penker, S Vogel
Energy Policy 109, 141-153, 2017
Fostering biocultural diversity in landscapes through place-based food networks: a “solution scan” of European and Japanese models
T Plieninger, R Kohsaka, C Bieling, S Hashimoto, C Kamiyama, T Kizos, ...
Sustainability Science 13, 219-233, 2018
Summary for policymakers
E Aigner, C Görg, V Madner, A Muhar, A Posch, KW Steininger, ...
APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben, 19-33, 2023
Can origin labels re-shape relationships along international supply chains?–The case of Café de Colombia
XF Quiñones-Ruiz, M Penker, CR Vogl, LF Samper-Gartner
International Journal of the Commons 9 (1), 2015
Landscape governance for or by the local population? A property rights analysis in Austria
M Penker
Land Use Policy 26 (4), 947-953, 2009
Determinants of rural out-migration in Ethiopia: Who stays and who goes?
AD Tegegne, M Penker
Demographic Research 35, 1011-1044, 2016
Between participation and collective action—from occasional liaisons towards long-term co-management for urban resilience
E Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, M Penker
Sustainability 8 (7), 664, 2016
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