Daniel A Galvão
Daniel A Galvão
Exercise Medicine Research Institute - Edith Cowan University - Australia
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Citované v
American college of sports medicine roundtable on exercise guidelines for cancer survivors
J ACSM 42, 1409-1426, 2010
Combined resistance and aerobic exercise program reverses muscle loss in men undergoing androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer without bone metastases: a randomized …
DA Galvao, DR Taaffe, N Spry, D Joseph, RU Newton
Journal of clinical oncology 28 (2), 340-347, 2010
Review of exercise intervention studies in cancer patients
DA Galvão, RU Newton
Journal of clinical oncology 23 (4), 899-909, 2005
Exercise is medicine in oncology: engaging clinicians to help patients move through cancer
KH Schmitz, AM Campbell, MM Stuiver, BM Pinto, AL Schwartz, GS Morris, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 69 (6), 468-484, 2019
Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 34 RCTs
LM Buffart, J Kalter, MG Sweegers, KS Courneya, RU Newton, ...
Cancer treatment reviews 52, 91-104, 2017
The Exercise and Sports Science Australia position statement: exercise medicine in cancer management
SC Hayes, RR Spence, DA Galvão, RU Newton
Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de ciencias del ejercicio y la salud 21 (2), 2023
Australian Association for Exercise and Sport Science position stand: optimising cancer outcomes through exercise
SC Hayes, RR Spence, DA Galvão, RU Newton
Journal of science and medicine in sport 12 (4), 428-434, 2009
Resistance training and reduction of treatment side effects in prostate cancer patients
DA Galvao, K Nosaka, DR Taaffe, N Spry, LJ Kristjanson, MR McGuigan, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38 (12), 2045-2052, 2006
Resistance exercise dosage in older adults: single‐versus multiset effects on physical performance and body composition
DA Galvão, DR Taaffe
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53 (12), 2090-2097, 2005
Can supervised exercise prevent treatment toxicity in patients with prostate cancer initiating androgen‐deprivation therapy: a randomised controlled trial
P Cormie, DA Galvão, N Spry, D Joseph, R Chee, DR Taaffe, ...
BJU international 115 (2), 256-266, 2015
Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors: current guidelines, knowledge gaps and future research directions
LM Buffart, DA Galvão, J Brug, MJM Chinapaw, RU Newton
Cancer treatment reviews 40 (2), 327-340, 2014
Changes in muscle, fat and bone mass after 36 weeks of maximal androgen blockade for prostate cancer
DA Galvão, NA Spry, DR Taaffe, RU Newton, J Stanley, T Shannon, ...
BJU international 102 (1), 44-47, 2008
Resistance training load effects on muscle hypertrophy and strength gain: systematic review and network meta-analysis
P Lopez, R Radaelli, DR Taaffe, RU Newton, DA Galvão, GS Trajano, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 53 (6), 1206, 2020
A systematic review of pre-surgical exercise intervention studies with cancer patients
F Singh, RU Newton, DA Galvão, N Spry, MK Baker
Surgical oncology 22 (2), 92-104, 2013
A multicentre year-long randomised controlled trial of exercise training targeting physical functioning in men with prostate cancer previously treated with androgen suppression …
DA Galvao, N Spry, J Denham, DR Taaffe, P Cormie, D Joseph, DS Lamb, ...
European urology 65 (5), 856-864, 2014
Safety and efficacy of resistance exercise in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases
P Cormie, RU Newton, N Spry, D Joseph, DR Taaffe, DA Galvao
Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 16 (4), 328-335, 2013
Exercise in prevention and management of cancer
RU Newton, DA Galvao
Current treatment options in oncology 9, 135-146, 2008
Reduced muscle strength and functional performance in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen suppression: a comprehensive cross-sectional investigation
DA Galvao, DR Taaffe, N Spry, D Joseph, D Turner, RU Newton
Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 12 (2), 198-203, 2009
Exercise preserves physical function in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases
DA Galvao, DR Taaffe, N Spry, P Cormie, D Joseph, SK Chambers, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 50 (3), 393, 2017
Is it safe and efficacious for women with lymphedema secondary to breast cancer to lift heavy weights during exercise: a randomised controlled trial
P Cormie, K Pumpa, DA Galvão, E Turner, N Spry, C Saunders, ...
Journal of Cancer Survivorship 7, 413-424, 2013
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