Amory H. Danek
Amory H. Danek
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What about false insights? Deconstructing the Aha! experience along its multiple dimensions for correct and incorrect solutions separately
AH Danek, J Wiley
Frontiers in psychology 7, 2077, 2017
Aha! experiences leave a mark: facilitated recall of insight solutions
AH Danek, T Fraps, A Von Müller, B Grothe, M Öllinger
Psychological research 77, 659-669, 2013
It's a kind of magic—what self-reports can reveal about the phenomenology of insight problem solving
AH Danek, T Fraps, A von Müller, B Grothe, M Öllinger
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1408, 2014
Working wonders? Investigating insight with magic tricks
AH Danek, T Fraps, A Von Mueller, B Grothe, M Öllinger
Cognition 130 (2), 174-185, 2014
Solving classical insight problems without aha! experience: 9 dot, 8 coin, and matchstick arithmetic problems
AH Danek, J Wiley, M Öllinger
The Journal of Problem Solving 9 (1), 4, 2016
Closing the gap: connecting sudden representational change to the subjective Aha! experience in insightful problem solving
AH Danek, J Williams, J Wiley
Psychological research 84, 111-119, 2020
Moment of truth: Why Aha! experiences are correct
AH Danek, C Salvi
The Journal of Creative Behavior 54 (2), 484-486, 2020
What causes the insight memory advantage?
AH Danek, J Wiley
Cognition 205, 104411, 2020
Magic tricks, sudden restructuring, and the Aha! experience: A new model of nonmonotonic problem solving
AH Danek
Insight, 51-78, 2018
An fMRI investigation of expectation violation in magic tricks
AH Danek, M Öllinger, T Fraps, B Grothe, VL Flanagin
Frontiers in psychology 6, 84, 2015
The temporal dynamics of insight problem solving–restructuring might not always be sudden
M Bilalić, M Graf, N Vaci, AH Danek
Thinking & Reasoning 27 (1), 1-37, 2021
Sleep does not promote solving classical insight problems and magic tricks
M Schönauer, S Brodt, D Pöhlchen, A Breßmer, AH Danek, S Gais
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 72, 2018
When the solution is on the doorstep: Better solving performance, but diminished Aha! experience for chess experts on the mutilated checkerboard problem
M Bilalić, M Graf, N Vaci, AH Danek
Cognitive science 43 (8), e12771, 2019
The role of attention for insight problem solving: effects of mindless and mindful incubation periods
J Rummel, F Iwan, L Steindorf, AH Danek
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 33 (6-7), 757-769, 2021
Cognitive conflict and restructuring: The neural basis of two core components of insight
AH Danek, VL Flanagin
AIMS neuroscience 6 (2), 60, 2019
Problem solving of magic tricks: Guiding to and through an impasse with solution cues
J Pétervári, AH Danek
Thinking & Reasoning 26 (4), 502-533, 2020
Restructuring processes and Aha! experiences in insight problem solving
J Wiley, AH Danek
Nature Reviews Psychology 3 (1), 42-55, 2024
The phenomenology of insight: The Aha! experience
AH Danek
The Routledge international handbook of creative cognition, 308-331, 2023
The whole is more than the sum of its parts – addressing insight problem solving concurrently from a cognitive and an affective perspective
AH Danek, JM Kizilirmak
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 33 (6-7), 609-615, 2021
Novel approaches for studying creativity in problem-solving and artistic performance
PA Fine, AH Danek, KJ Friedlander, I Hocking, WF Thompson
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2059, 2019
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