Suroso Rahutomo
Suroso Rahutomo
Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute
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Citované v
C-organik tanah di perkebunan kelapa sawit Sumatera Utara: status dan hubungan dengan beberapa sifat kimia tanah
R Farrasati, I Pradiko, S Rahutomo, ES Sutarta, H Santoso, F Hidayat
Jurnal Tanah Dan Iklim 43 (2), 157-165, 2019
Fostering a climate-smart intensification for oil palm
JP Monzon, MA Slingerland, S Rahutomo, F Agus, T Oberthür, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (7), 595-601, 2021
Tandan kosong kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pembenah tanah
W Darmosarkoro, S Rahutomo
Jurnal Lahan dan Pemupukan Kelapa Sawit Edisi 1 (1), 3, 2007
Mucuna bracteata pengembangan dan pemanfaatannya di perkebunan kelapa sawit
IY Harahap, TC Hidayat, G Simangunsong, ES Sutarta, Y Pangaribuan, ...
Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit., Medan, 2008
Air dan Kelapa Sawit
TC Hidayat, IY Harahap, Y Pangaribuan, S Rahutomo, WA Harsanto, ...
Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. Medan 47, 2013
Winarna. 2003
ES Sutarta, S Rahutomo, W Darmosarkoro
Peranan unsur hara dan sumber hara pada pemupukan tanaman kelapa sawit, hal 81, 0
Varying redox potential affects P release from stream bank sediments
S Rahutomo, JL Kovar, ML Thompson
PLoS One 13 (12), e0209208, 2018
European renewable energy directive: Critical analysis of important default values and methods for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of palm oil biodiesel
H Stichnothe, F Schuchardt, S Rahutomo
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, 1294-1304, 2014
Agronomy explains large yield gaps in smallholder oil palm fields
JP Monzon, YL Lim, FA Tenorio, R Farrasati, I Pradiko, H Sugianto, ...
Agricultural Systems 210, 103689, 2023
Inorganic and organic phosphorus in sediments in the Walnut Creek Watershed of central Iowa, USA
S Rahutomo, JL Kovar, ML Thompson
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229, 1-12, 2018
Too little, too imbalanced: nutrient supply in smallholder oil palm fields in Indonesia
YL Lim, FA Tenorio, JP Monzon, H Sugianto, CR Donough, S Rahutomo, ...
Agricultural Systems 210, 103729, 2023
Pemupukan melalui tanah serta daun dan kemungkinan mekanismenya pada tanaman kelapa sawit
R Farrasati, I Pradiko, S Rahutomo, EN Ginting
WARTA Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 26 (1), 7-19, 2021
Identification of Ganoderma boninense infection levels on oil palm using vegetation index
D Wiratmoko, AE Prasetyo, RH Jatmiko, MA Yusuf, S Rahutomo
International Journal of Oil Palm 1 (3), 110-120, 2018
Pengaruh iklim terhadap dinamika kelembaban tanah di piringan pohon tanaman kelapa sawit
I Pradiko, R Farrasati, S Rahutomo, EN Ginting, DAA Candra, ...
WARTA Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 25 (1), 39-51, 2020
Phosphorus transformations in stream bank sediments in Iowa, USA, at varying redox potentials
S Rahutomo, JL Kovar, ML Thompson
Journal of Soils and Sediments 19, 1029-1039, 2019
Efisiensi serapan hara beberapa jenis pupuk pada bibit kelapa sawit
EN Ginting, S Rahutomo, ES Sutarta
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 26 (2), 79-90, 2018
Bunga, buah, dan produksi kelapa sawit
TC Hidayat, IY Harahap, Y Pangaribuan, S Rahutomo, WR Fauzi, ...
Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. Medan, 2013
Malachite green method for determining phosphorus concentration in diverse matrices
S Rahutomo, JL Kovar, ML Thompson
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50 (14), 1743-1752, 2019
New Standart for FFB Yield of IOPRI’S Planting Materials Based on Land Suaitability Class
ES Sutarta, S Rahutomo
Medan. Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI), 2010
H Santoso. 2008. Karakteristik gambut topogen dan ombrogen di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Sumatera Utara untuk budi daya tanaman kelapa sawit
D Wiratmoko, SR Winarna
Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit 16 (3), 119-126, 2008
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