Maruf Ahmed Raj
Maruf Ahmed Raj
Ha-Mim Model School
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Citované v
Encapsulation by spray drying of bioactive components, physicochemical and morphological properties from purple sweet potato
M Ahmed, MS Akter, JC Lee, JB Eun
LWT-Food Science and Technology 43 (9), 1307-1312, 2010
Nutritional compositions and health promoting phytochemicals of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) fruit: A review
MS Akter, S Oh, JB Eun, M Ahmed
Food Research International 44 (7), 1728-1732, 2011
Peeling, drying temperatures, and sulphite-treatment affect physicochemical properties and nutritional quality of sweet potato flour
M Ahmed, MS Akter, JB Eun
Food chemistry 121 (1), 112-118, 2010
Isolation and characterization of pectin extracted from lemon pomace during ripening
AKM Azad, MA Ali, MS Akter, MJ Rahman, M Ahmed
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2 (2), 30-35, 2014
Antimicrobial activity and brine shrimp lethality bioassay of the leaves extract of Dillenia indica Linn.
AS Apu, MA Muhit, SM Tareq, AH Pathan, ATM Jamaluddin, M Ahmed
Journal of Young Pharmacists 2 (1), 50-53, 2010
Flavonoids in fruits and vegetables after thermal and nonthermal processing: A review
M Ahmed, JB Eun
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58 (18), 3159-3188, 2018
Analgesic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory principle from Scoparia dulcis.
M Ahmed, HA Shikha, SK Sadhu, MT Rahman, BK Datta
Die Pharmazie 56 (8), 657-660, 2001
Physicochemical properties of flour and extraction of starch from jackfruit seed
F Noor, MJ Rahman, MS Mahomud, MS Akter, MAI Talukder, M Ahmed
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 3 (4), 347-354, 2014
Liposome as a carrier for advanced drug delivery
SM Shaheen, FR Shakil Ahmed, MN Hossen, M Ahmed, MS Amran, ...
Pak J Biol Sci 9 (6), 1181-1191, 2006
Disinfestation of stored grains, pulses, dried fruits and nuts, and other dried foods
M Ahmed
Food Irradiation Principles and Applications, Wiley, New York, 77-112, 2001
Impact of α‐amylase and maltodextrin on physicochemical, functional and antioxidant capacity of spray‐dried purple sweet potato flour
M Ahmed, MS Akter, JB Eun
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (3), 494-502, 2010
Effect of nitrogen on yield and other plant characters of local T. aman rice, var. jatai
M Ahmed, MM Islam, SK Paul, B Khulna
Research journal of agriculture and biological sciences 1 (2), 158-161, 2005
Effect of pretreatments and drying temperatures on sweet potato flour
M Ahmed, AM Sorifa, JB Eun
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 45 (4), 726-732, 2010
In vitro callus induction and plant regeneration in seed explants of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
MM Islam, M Ahmed, D Mahaldar
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 1 (1), 72-75, 2005
Analgesic principle from Abutilon indicum.
M Ahmed, S Amin, M Islam, M Takahashi, E Okuyama, CF Hossain
Die pharmazie 55 (4), 314-316, 2000
Comparison of long-term antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects between Coccinia cordifolia (Linn.) and Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
MA Akhtar, M Rashid, MII Wahed, MR Islam, SM Shaheen, MA Islam, ...
Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2 (1), 29-34, 2007
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in normal control and glucose induced hyperglycemic rats with Coccinia cordifolia L. and Catharanthus roseus L
MA Islam, MA Akhtar, MR Khan, MS Hossain, AH Alam, MI Ibne-Wahed, ...
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 22 (4), 402-404, 2009
Polyethylene degradation by Ralstonia sp. strain SKM2 and Bacillus sp. strain SM1 isolated from land fill soil site
SP Biki, S Mahmud, S Akhter, MJ Rahman, JJ Rix, MA Al Bachchu, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 22, 101495, 2021
Extraction and characterization of pectin from pomelo peel and its impact on nutritional properties of carrot jam during storage
MC Roy, M Alam, A Saeid, BC Das, MB Mia, MA Rahman, JB Eun, ...
Journal of food processing and preservation 42 (1), e13411, 2018
Antidiabetic Effects of the Different Fractions of Ethanolic Extracts of Ocimum sanctum in Normal and Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
MRI Khan, MA Islam, MS Hossain, M Asadujjaman, MII Wahed, ...
Journal of Scientific Research 2 (1), 158-168, 2010
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