Insar Damopolii
Insar Damopolii
Associate professor in Biology Education, University of Papua
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Citované v
Citované v
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning to Train the Students' Metacognitive Skills Based on Gender Differences.
JH Nunaki, I Damopolii, NY Kandowangko, E Nusantari
International Journal of Instruction 12 (2), 505-516, 2019
Meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri
I Damopolii, AM Yohanita, N Nurhidaya, M Murtijani
Jurnal Bioedukatika 6 (1), 22-30, 2018
The development of comic book as marker of augmented reality to raise students’ critical thinking
I Damopolii, FF Paiki, JH Nunaki
Tem Journal 11 (1), 348, 2022
Digital Comics in Online Learning During COVID-19: Its Effect on Student Cognitive Learning Outcomes.
I Damopolii, T Lumembang, GO İlhan
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 15 (19), 33, 2021
Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Skills.
E Nusantari, A Abdul, I Damopolii, ASR Alghafri, BS Bakkar
European Journal of Educational Research 10 (4), 1781-1791, 2021
The analysis of primary school student’s motivation toward science learning
NIRF Nasir, S Arifin, I Damopolii
Journal of Research in Instructional 3 (2), 258-270, 2023
The effect of STAD learning model and science comics on cognitive students achievement
I Damopolii, SR Rahman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (2), 022008, 2019
The inquiry-based student book integrated with local resources: The impact on student science process skill
N Rumalolas, MSY Rosely, JH Nunaki, I Damopolii, NY Kandowangko
JISTECH: Journal of Information Science and Technology 1 (2), 133-146, 2021
Contextual teaching and learning in learning environmental pollution: the effect on student learning outcomes
RC Welerubun, HL Wambrauw, J Jeni, D Wolo, I Damopolii
Prima Magistra: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan 3 (1), 106-115, 2022
Effect of problem solving learning model on students achievement
I Damopolii, JH Nunaki, G Supriyadi
Journal of Education Research and Evaluation 2 (1), 2018
Flipbook based on problem-based learning: Its development to bolster student critical thinking skills
EK Yomaki, JH Nunaki, J Jeni, SDI Mergwar, I Damopolii
AIP Conference Proceedings 2614 (1), 2023
The relationship between science process skills and biology learning outcome
F Mandasari, I Iwan, I Damopolii
JISTECH: Journal of Information Science and Technology 1 (1), 23-32, 2021
Effect of inquiry science learning on students’ metacognitive skill
T Lelasari, AM Yohanita, I Damopolii
JISTECH: Journal of Information Science and Technology 1 (1), 53-60, 2021
The contribution of metacognitive in the inquiry-based learning to students’ thinking skill based on SOLO Taxonomy
JH Nunaki, I Damopolii, E Nusantari, NY Kandowangko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (3), 032044, 2019
Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran inkuiri bebas dimodifikasi dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah terhadap keterampilan proses sains mahasiswa pada praktikum fisiologi tumbuhan
I Damopolii, A Hasan, N Kandowangko
Pancaran Pendidikan 4 (3), 191-200, 2015
Model pembelajaran inovatif
M Safitri, MR Aziz, MCT Wangge, NM Jalal, MJH Louk, I Budiana, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2021
Effectiveness of Environmentally-Based Science Learning towards Environmentally-Friendly Character of Students in Coastal Area
E Nusantari, R Utina, AS Katili, Y Tamu, I Damopolii
International Journal of Instruction 13 (3), 2020
The Development Of Android-Based Mobile Learning Supported By Problem-Based Learning Strategy For Students’ Learning Success
I Damopolii, B Kurniadi
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 8 (7), 190-193, 2019
Hubungan antara kreativitas guru dengan motivasi belajar sains siswa selama pandemic COVID-19
Y Yurida, I Damopolii, SS Erari
Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi Dan Saintek), 146-152, 2021
Pengaruh pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap level berpikir siswa SMA
NIRF Nasir, I Damopolii, JH Nunaki
Bioilmi: Jurnal Pendidikan 6 (2), 112-119, 2020
Systém momentálne nemôže vykonať operáciu. Skúste to neskôr.
Články 1–20