Koresh Khateri
Koresh Khateri
University of Montreal
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Citované v
A comparison between decentralized local and global methods for connectivity maintenance of multi-robot networks
K Khateri, M Pourgholi, M Montazeri, L Sabattini
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 633-640, 2019
A Hierarchical Governor/Turbine and Electric Vehicles Optimal Control Framework for Primary Frequency Support in Power Systems
N Kariminejad, SA Taher, M Shahidehpour, K Khateri
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 6702-6712, 2018
A connectivity preserving node permutation local method in limited range robotic networks
K Khateri, M Pourgholi, M Montazeri, L Sabattini
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 129, 103540, 2020
Decentralized local-global connectivity maintenance for networked robotic teams
K Khateri, M Pourgholi, M Montazeri, L Sabattini
European Journal of Control 51, 110-121, 2020
Decentralized optimal control of electric vehicles for primary frequency control in power systems
N Kariminejad, SA Taher, K Khateri, M Pourgholi
2020 28th Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 1-8, 2020
Effects of Stubborn Agents on Bounded Confidence Opinion Dynamic systems: Unanimity in Presence of Stubborn Agents
K Khateri, M Pourgholi, M Montazeri
27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2019
A complete set of connectivity-aware local topology manipulation operations for robot swarms
K Soma, K Khateri, M Pourgholi, M Montazeri, L Sabattini, G Beltrame
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5522-5529, 2023
Joint Machine-Transporter Scheduling for Multistage Jobs with Adjustable Computation Time
K Khateri, G Beltrame
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.05769, 2023
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