Mudassar Aziz
Mudassar Aziz
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Exploring the role of culture in sexual objectification: A seven nations study
S Loughnan, S Fernandez-Campos, J Vaes, G Anjum, M Aziz, C Harada, ...
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 28 (1), 125-152, 2015
Life and mental health in limbo of the Ukraine war: How can helpers assist civilians, asylum seekers and refugees affected by the war?
G Anjum, M Aziz, HK Hamid
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1129299, 2023
The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations
V Swami, US Tran, D Barron, R Afhami, A Aimé, CA Almenara, NA Dal, ...
Body Image 32, 199-217, 2020
United Nations endorsement and support for human rights: An experiment on women’s rights in Pakistan
G Anjum, A Chilton, Z Usman
Journal of Peace Research 58 (3), 462-478, 2021
Intimate partner violence and psychological distress: Mediating role of Stockholm syndrome
A Ahmad, M Aziz, G Anjum, FV Mir
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 33 (2), 541-557, 2018
Cross-cultural exploration of honor: Perception of honor in Germany, Pakistan, and South Korea
G Anjum, T Kessler, M Aziz
Psychological Studies 64 (2), 147-160, 2019
Psychological Capital and Mental Health of Rescue Workers.
M Haleem, S Masood, M Aziz, H Jami
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 32 (2), 2017
Role of organizational culture in psychological needs satisfaction and work engagement
Q Sadaf, M Aziz, G Anjum
Business Review 14 (1), 81-96, 2019
Advancing equity in cross-cultural psychology: embracing diverse epistemologies and fostering collaborative practices
G Anjum, M Aziz
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1368663, 2024
Achievement goals and academic achievement: The mediating role of learning strategies
MO Shehzad, M Aziz
Foundation University Journal of Psychology 3 (1), 1-23, 2019
Hope in Times of Terrorism: Action-Expressions Speak Louder than Passive-Sorrows.
G Anjum, DC Kidd, M Aziz
Journal of Behavioural Sciences 28 (1), 2018
Sexual objectification is common in Western, but not non-Western nations: A seven nation study of sexual objectification
S Loughnan, S Fernandez, J Vaes, G Anjum, M Aziz, C Harada, ...
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2013
A missing link between Job autonomy and unethical behavior
A Ahmed, AF Shamsi, M Aziz
Etikonomi 19 (1), 95-118, 2020
The role of Fulbright Program in building positive perception and ally image of the US among Pakistani scholars
G Anjum, M Aziz, E Castano
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 34 (1), 1-23, 2019
Life and mental health in limbo of the Ukraine war: How can helpers assist civilians, asylum seekers and refugees affected by the war?. Front Psychol. 2023; 14: 1129299. doi …
G Anjum, M Aziz, HK Hamid
Mental health of children with special educational needs in the context of …, 2023
Gender beliefs and action tendencies for women’s rights: Impact of National vis-a-vis International policy recommendations
G Anjum, M Aziz, A Chilton, Z Usman
Journal of Development Policy Research & Practice (JoDPRP), 15-33, 2017
Reparations to the victims of US drone strikes: Youth perspective from Pakistan
G Anjum, E Castano, M Aziz
Securing peace and prosperity, 345-249, 2016
United Nations Endorsement & Support for Women’s Rights: Evidence from an Experiment in Pakistan
G Anjum, M Aziz, A Chilton, Z Usman
Journal of Development Policy, Research and Practice 1 (1), 15-34, 2017
Transformative strategies for enhancing women’s resilience to climate change: A policy perspective for low-and middle-income countries
M Aziz, G Anjum
Women's Health 20, 17455057241302032, 2024
Hijab and enclothed cognition: The effect of hijab on interpersonal attitudes in a homogenous Muslim-majority context
S Sohail, G Anjum, M Aziz
Cogent Psychology 10 (1), 2219084, 2023
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