Mirza Mienur Meher
Mirza Mienur Meher
Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Public Health, FVMA, Bangabandhu S.M.R Agricultural University
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Citované v
Isolation and antibiogram of Salmonella spp. from duck and pigeon in Dinajpur, Bangladesh
MM Rahman, MM Rahman, MM Meher, MSI Khan, AKMM Anower
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 3 (4), 386-391, 2016
Occurrences of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle in Dinajpur Sadar of Bangladesh
S Sarkar, MM Meher, MMM Parvez, M Akther
Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries (RALF) 7 (3), 445-455, 2020
Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of street food vendors on food safety in selected areas of Bangladesh
MM Meher, M Afrin, AK Talukder, MG Haider
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
Comparative effect of papaya (Carica papaya) leaves’ extract and Toltrazuril on growth performance, hematological parameter, and protozoal load in Sonali chickens infected by …
MJ Akhter, FB Aziz, MM Hasan, R Islam, MMM Parvez, S Sarkar, ...
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research (JAVAR) 8 (1), 911-100, 2021
Investigation of Risk Factors and Biosecurity Measures Associated with Prevalence of Newcastle Disease Virus in Broiler Farms
MM Meher, J Islam, M Afrin
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 8 (11), 2426, 2020
Poultry farming and farmers perception towards the farming condition during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
MM Meher, M Afrin, MT Islam, MA Zinnah
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 6, 100239, 2021
Epidemiological investigation of Pasteurella multocida infection in poultry in Gazipur district of Bangladesh
MR Hossain, MM Meher, M Afrin
Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine 15 (2), 91-95, 2017
Field study on efficacy of red pepper (capsicum annum) along with antibiotics against newcastle disease in broiler at Narail Sadar Upazilla, Bangladesh
SM Hanif, MM Meher, GC Biswas, AM Anower
Wayamba Journal of Animal Science 8, 1460-1466, 2016
Clinical Incidence of Diseases in Cattle and Goat at Different Area of Bera Upzilla in Pabna District of Bangladesh
MM Meher, M Afrin, S Sarker
Journal of Scientific Research 13 (2), 579-587, 2021
Field Investigation on Sub-clinical Mastitis in Cows in Different areas of Barisal district in Bangladesh
MM Meher, A Hasan, M Afrin
Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 6 (9), 1159-1162, 2018
Epidemiological investigation of peste des petits ruminants virus infection in goat with therapeutic managementat at Bera upazila of Pabna in Bangladesh
MM Meher, M Afrin, Z Hassan, J Alam
Progressive Agriculture 28 (2), 114-119, 2017
Neurochemical phenotypes of huntingtin-associated protein 1 in reference to secretomotor and vasodilator neurons in the submucosal plexuses of rodent small intestine
AMM Tarif, MN Islam, MR Jahan, M Afrin, MM Meher, K Nozaki, ...
Neuroscience Research 191, 13-27, 2023
Seroprevalence of Salmonella spp. infection in different types of poultry and biosecurity measures associated with Salmonellosis
MM Meher, MA Sharif, A Al Bayazid
International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 6 (4 …, 2022
Prevalence and antibiotic resistance pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from raw dairy milk
A Hasan, A Reza, FI Rume, MM Meher, MS Parvej, AKMM Anower
Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 6 (9), 1108-1113, 2018
Bacteriological Contamination of Street Food Vended in Chittagong, Bangladesh.
P Paul, MR Amin, A Ahad, MM Meher, FI Rume, S Jahan, AKMM Anower
Annals of Life Sciences 1, 15–22, 2018
Evaluation of optimum dietary inclusion level of probiotics for potential benefits on intestinal histomorphometry, microbiota, and pH in Japanese Quails
M Afrin, MS Sachi, MM Meher, N Jahan
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics 4 (3), 265-275, 2021
Assessment of Antibody Titer and Lymphoid Organs Weight Following Newcastle Disease Vaccination and Feed-supplementation of Vitamin-c, Probiotics and Antibiotic-growth …
MM Meher, N Jahan, A Marya
Macedonian Veterinary Review 44 (2), 1-9, 2021
Detection of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Its Specific Antibody in Different Ages Layer Birds in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh.
MM Meher, MM Rahman, MR Akter, MS Rahaman, M Khalesur
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering …, 2017
Immunohistochemical distribution and neurochemical characterization of huntingtin-associated protein 1 immunoreactive neurons in the adult mouse lingual ganglia
MN Islam, Y Sakurai, Y Hiwaki, AMM Tarif, M Afrin, MM Meher, K Nozaki, ...
Brain Sciences 13 (2), 258, 2023
The epidemiological and clinical features of monkeypox in human: Present global status and future management in Bangladesh
MT Islam, AB Harun, A Al Bayazid, S Sultana, MM Meher, AK Talukder, ...
Annals of Medical Science & Research 2 (1), 4-12, 2023
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