Kerry Reid
Kerry Reid
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Threespine stickleback: A model system for evolutionary genomics
K Reid, MA Bell, KR Veeramah
Annual review of genomics and human genetics 22 (1), 357-383, 2021
Predicting future from past: The genomic basis of recurrent and rapid stickleback evolution
GA Roberts Kingman, DN Vyas, FC Jones, SD Brady, HI Chen, K Reid, ...
Science Advances 7 (25), eabg5285, 2021
Secondary contact and asymmetrical gene flow in a cosmopolitan marine fish across the Benguela upwelling zone
K Reid, TB Hoareau, JE Graves, WM Potts, SMR dos Santos, AW Klopper, ...
Heredity 117 (5), 307-315, 2016
High‐throughput microsatellite marker development in two sparid species and verification of their transferability in the family Sparidae
K Reid, TB Hoareau, P Bloomer
Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (4), 740-752, 2012
Restoration‐mediated secondary contact leads to introgression of alewife ecotypes separated by a colonial‐era dam
K Reid, J Carlos Garza, SR Gephard, A Caccone, DM Post, EP Palkovacs
Evolutionary applications 13 (4), 652-664, 2020
Investigating the origin of vagrant dusky groupers, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), in coastal waters of Réunion Island
K Reid, E Crochelet, P Bloomer, TB Hoareau
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 103, 98-103, 2016
Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Chronological Age: Associations With Cognitive Performance in Daily Life
DV Zavala, N Dzikowski, S Gopalan, KD Harrington, G Pasquini, J Mogle, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 79 (1), glad242, 2024
Freshwater colonization, adaptation, and genomic divergence in Threespine Stickleback
WE Aguirre, K Reid, J Rivera, DC Heins, KR Veeramah, MA Bell
Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (2), 388-405, 2022
Discovery and characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms in two anadromous alosine fishes of conservation concern
DS Baetscher, DJ Hasselman, K Reid, EP Palkovacs, JC Garza
Ecology and evolution 7 (17), 6638-6648, 2017
Climate shapes population variation in dogwhelk predation on foundational mussels
GM Contolini, K Reid, EP Palkovacs
Oecologia 192 (2), 553-564, 2020
Comprehensive evaluation of genetic population structure for anadromous river herring with single nucleotide polymorphism data
K Reid, EP Palkovacs, DJ Hasselman, D Baetscher, J Kibele, B Gahagan, ...
Fisheries Research 206, 247-258, 2018
Genetic stock structure of white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus (Cuvier, 1829), an overexploited fishery species in South African waters
RH Bennett, K Reid, G Gouws, P Bloomer, PD Cowley
African Journal of Marine Science 39 (1), 27-41, 2017
De Novo Mutation Rates in Sticklebacks
C Zhang, K Reid, AF Sands, A Fraimout, MH Schierup, J Merilä
Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (9), msad192, 2023
Population genetic structure of the parasitic nematode Spirocerca lupi in South Africa
JM Greeff, K Reid, JR Gagjee, SJ Clift, PJ de Waal
Veterinary Parasitology 258, 64-69, 2018
Chromosome-level genome assembly of a high-altitude-adapted frog (Rana kukunoris) from the Tibetan plateau provides insight into amphibian genome evolution …
W Chen, H Chen, J Liao, M Tang, H Qin, Z Zhao, X Liu, Y Wu, L Jiang, ...
Frontiers in Zoology 20 (1), 1, 2023
Sex chromosome turnover in hybridizing stickleback lineages
X Yi, D Wang, K Reid, X Feng, A Löytynoja, J Merilä
Evolution Letters, qrae019, 2024
Predator life history and prey ontogeny limit natural selection on the major armour gene, Eda, in threespine stickleback
BA Wasserman, K Reid, OM Arredondo, AMK Osterback, CH Kern, ...
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31 (2), 291-299, 2022
Spatial and temporal genetic stock composition of river herring bycatch in southern New England Atlantic herring and mackerel fisheries
K Reid, JA Hoey, BI Gahagan, BP Schondelmeier, DJ Hasselman, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80 (2), 360-374, 2022
Molecular genomics resource for the parasitic nematode Spirocerca lupi: Identification of 149 microsatellite loci using FIASCO and next generation sequencing
K Reid, JR Mitha, JM Greeff, PJ de Waal
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 203 (1-2), 1-4, 2015
Heterogeneous genomic architecture of skeletal armour traits in sticklebacks
X Yi, P Kemppainen, K Reid, Y Chen, P Rastas, A Fraimout, J Merilä
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 37 (9), 995-1008, 2024
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