Job engagement: Antecedents and effects on job performance BL Rich, JA Lepine, ER Crawford Academy of management journal 53 (3), 617-635, 2010 | 6765 | 2010 |
Linking job demands and resources to employee engagement and burnout: a theoretical extension and meta-analytic test. ER Crawford, JA LePine, BL Rich Journal of applied psychology 95 (5), 834, 2010 | 4507 | 2010 |
Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives. TA Judge, JB Rodell, RL Klinger, LS Simon, ER Crawford Journal of applied psychology 98 (6), 875, 2013 | 685 | 2013 |
Turning their pain to gain: Charismatic leader influence on follower stress appraisal and job performance MA LePine, Y Zhang, ER Crawford, BL Rich Academy of management journal 59 (3), 1036-1059, 2016 | 582 | 2016 |
A configural theory of team processes: Accounting for the structure of taskwork and teamwork ER Crawford, JA Lepine Academy of Management Review 38 (1), 32-48, 2013 | 509 | 2013 |
The antecedents and drivers of employee engagement ER Crawford, BL Rich, B Buckman, J Bergeron Employee engagement in theory and practice, 57-81, 2013 | 247 | 2013 |
A review of research on personality in teams: Accounting for pathways spanning levels of theory and analysis JA LePine, BR Buckman, ER Crawford, JR Methot Human Resource Management Review 21 (4), 311-330, 2011 | 241 | 2011 |
Referents or role models? The self-efficacy and job performance effects of perceiving higher performing peers. PE Downes, ER Crawford, SE Seibert, AC Stoverink, EM Campbell Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (3), 422, 2021 | 124 | 2021 |
Those with the most find it hardest to share: Exploring leader resistance to the implementation of team-based empowerment GL Stewart, SL Astrove, CJ Reeves, ER Crawford, SL Solimeo Academy of Management Journal 60 (6), 2266-2293, 2017 | 95 | 2017 |
A model of positive relationships in teams: The role of instrumental, friendship, and multiplex social network ties JA LePine, JR Methot, ER Crawford, BR Buckman Personal Relationships, 173-194, 2012 | 82* | 2012 |
To link or not to link? Multiple team membership and unit performance. ER Crawford, CJ Reeves, GL Stewart, SL Astrove Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (3), 341, 2019 | 60 | 2019 |
For Better and Worse: How Proactive Personality Alters the Strain Responses to Challenge and Hindrance Stressors J Nielsen, B Firth, E Crawford Organization Science 34 (2), 589-612, 2023 | 29 | 2023 |
Getting along to get ahead: The role of social context in tournament promotion and reward systems GC Banks, CE Whelpley, ER Crawford, EH O’Boyle, S Kepes PloS one 16 (9), e0257389, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Team network multiplexity, synergy, and performance ER Crawford University of Florida, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
A meta-analytic investigation of job engagement's role in the transformational leadership–job satisfaction–job performance relationship B Buckman, E Crawford, J LePine, Y Zhang Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, SMA 2015, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Exploring the daily relationship between envy and well-being through envy-coping behaviors at work IH Wu, M Williams, E Crawford, YC Chiao Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 12427, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Team processes ER Crawford Oxford University Press, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
The value of vulnerability: A social learning perspective on leader humility DD Goering, E Crawford, B Cockburn, AE Colbert Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 14334, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Psychological conditions & engagement: An integrated model of transformational leadership B Buckman, J LePine, E Crawford, BL Rich Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 12490, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
International experience as a microfoundation of foreign subsidiary performance: A multilevel model M Rickley, IH Wu, E Crawford Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 11704, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |