Dirk Hofäcker
Dirk Hofäcker
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Life courses in the globalization process: The development of social inequalities in modern societies
S Buchholz, D Hofäcker, M Mills, HP Blossfeld, K Kurz, H Hofmeister
European sociological review 25 (1), 53-71, 2009
Flexibility and work‐life conflict in times of crisis: a gender perspective
D Hofäcker, S König
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2013
Reversing Early Retirement in Advanced Welfare EconomiesA Paradigm Shift to Overcome Push and Pull Factors
B Ebbinghaus, D Hofäcker
Comparative Population Studies 38 (4), 2013
GlobalIndex: A sociological approach to globalization measurement
M Raab, M Ruland, B Schönberger, HP Blossfeld, D Hofäcker, ...
International Sociology 23 (4), 596-631, 2008
Older workers in a globalizing world: an international comparison of retirement and late-career patterns in Western industrialized countries
D Hofäcker
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
The emerging trend of work beyond retirement age in Germany
D Hofäcker, E Naumann
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 48 (5), 473-479, 2015
In line or at odds with active ageing policies? Exploring patterns of retirement preferences in Europe
D Hofäcker
Ageing & Society 35 (7), 1529-1556, 2015
Globalisierung und die Veränderung sozialer Ungleichheiten in modernen Gesellschaften
HP Blossfeld, S Buchholz, D Hofäcker, H Hofmeister, K Kurz, M Mills
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 59 (4), 667-691, 2007
Converging divergences? An international comparison of the impact of globalization on industrial relations and employment careers
M Mills, HP Blossfeld, S Buchholz, D Hofäcker, F Bernardi, H Hofmeister
International Sociology 23 (4), 561-595, 2008
Converging divergence? An international comparison of the impact of globalization on industrial relations and employment careers
S Buchholz, M Mills, HP Blossfeld, D Hofäcker, F Bernardi, H Hofmeister
Wozu brauchen wir noch den Sozialstaat?: der deutsche Sozialstaat im Urteil seiner Bürger
HJ Andreß, T Heien, D Hofäcker
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2001
The gendered division of paid and unpaid work in different institutional regimes: Comparing West Germany, East Germany and Bulgaria
D Hofäcker, R Stoilova, JR Riebling
European sociological review 29 (2), 192-209, 2013
Delaying retirement
D Hofäcker, M Hess, S König
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Globalization, accelerating economic change and late careers. A theoretical framework
S Buchholz, D Hofäcker, HP Blossfeld
London ua, 2006
Trends and determinants of work-retirement transitions under changing institutional conditions: Germany, England and Japan compared
D Hofäcker, H Schröder, Y Li, M Flynn
Journal of Social Policy 45 (1), 39-64, 2016
Rejection and acceptance of the male breadwinner model: Which preferences do women have under which circumstances
D Lück, D Hofäcker
First Annual Conference of ESPAnet, Copenhagen, 11-13, 2003
Globalized labour markets and social inequality in Europe
H Blossfeld, S Buchholz, D Hofäcker, K Kolb
Springer, 2011
Globalisierung, Flexibilisiemng und der Wandel von Lebensläufen in modernen Gesellschaften
HP Blossfeld, D Hofäcker, H Hofmeister, K Kurz
Flexibilisierung, 23-46, 2008
Väter im internationalen Vergleich
D Hofäcker
Changing retirement transitions in times of paradigmatic political change: toward growing inequalities
D Hofäcker, M Hess, E Naumann
Challenges of Aging, 205-226, 2015
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