Anna Maria Persiani
Anna Maria Persiani
Professore di Botanica Ambientale, Sapienza Università di Roma
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Citované v
Multi‐taxon and forest structure sampling for identification of indicators and monitoring of old‐growth forest
C Blasi, M Marchetti, U Chiavetta, M Aleffi, P Audisio, MM Azzella, ...
Plant Biosystems 144 (1), 160-170, 2010
Interactions of fungi with other organisms
S Perotto, P Angelini, V Bianciotto, P Bonfante, M Girlanda, T Kull, A Mello, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2013
Roles of saprotrophic fungi in biodegradation or transformation of organic and inorganic pollutants in co-contaminated sites
A Ceci, F Pinzari, F Russo, AM Persiani, GM Gadd
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 103 (1), 53-68, 2019
Airborne fungal spores in dust present in archives: pProposal for a detection method, new for archival materials
O Maggi, AM Persiani, F Gallo, P Valenti, G Pasquariello, MC Sclocchi, ...
Aerobiologia 16, 429-434, 2000
Fungi as a toolbox for sustainable bioremediation of pesticides in soil and water
F Spina, G Cecchi, A Landinez-Torres, L Pecoraro, F Russo, B Wu, L Cai, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2018
Saprotrophic soil fungi to improve phosphorus solubilisation and release: In vitro abilities of several species
A Ceci, F Pinzari, F Russo, O Maggi, AM Persiani
Ambio 47, 30-40, 2018
Linking taxonomical and functional biodiversity of saproxylic fungi and beetles in broad‐leaved forests in southern Italy with varying management histories
AM Persiani, P Audisio, D Lunghini, O Maggi, VM Granito, AB Biscaccianti, ...
Plant Biosystems 144 (1), 250-261, 2010
Litter decomposition in Mediterranean ecosystems: Modelling the controlling role of climatic conditions and litter quality
G Incerti, G Bonanomi, F Giannino, FA Rutigliano, D Piermatteo, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 49, 148-157, 2011
Diversity and variability in soil fungi from a disturbed tropical rain forest
AM Persiani, O Maggi, MA Casado, FD Pineda
Mycologia 90 (2), 206-214, 1998
Biodiversity of wood-decay fungi in Italy
A Saitta, A Bernicchia, SP Gorjón, E Altobelli, VM Granito, C Losi, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2011
Macrofungi as ecosystem resources: Conservation versus exploitation
M Zotti, AM Persiani, E Ambrosio, A Vizzini, G Venturella, D Donnini, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2013
Congruence across taxa and spatial scales: Are we asking too much of species data?
S Burrascano, RB De Andrade, Y Paillet, P Ódor, G Antonini, C Bouget, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (8), 980-990, 2018
One taxon does not fit all: Herb-layer diversity and stand structural complexity are weak predictors of biodiversity in Fagus sylvatica forests
FM Sabatini, S Burrascano, MM Azzella, A Barbati, S De Paulis, ...
Ecological Indicators 69, 126-137, 2016
Are Red Lists really useful for plant conservation? The New Red List of the Italian Flora in the perspective of national conservation policies
G Rossi, C Montagnani, T Abeli, D Gargano, L Peruzzi, G Fenu, S Magrini, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
Phenotype MicroArray™ system in the study of fungal functional diversity and catabolic versatility
F Pinzari, A Ceci, N Abu-Samra, L Canfora, O Maggi, A Persiani
Research in microbiology 167 (9-10), 710-722, 2016
Bioremediation of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)-contaminated agricultural soils: potential of two autochthonous saprotrophic fungal strains
F Russo, A Ceci, F Pinzari, A Siciliano, M Guida, E Malusà, M Tartanus, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 85 (21), e01720-19, 2019
Fungal bioweathering of mimetite and a general geomycological model for lead apatite mineral biotransformations
A Ceci, M Kierans, S Hillier, AM Persiani, GM Gadd
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (15), 4955-4964, 2015
Transformation of vanadinite [Pb5(VO4)3Cl] by fungi
A Ceci, YJ Rhee, M Kierans, S Hillier, H Pendlowski, N Gray, AM Persiani, ...
Environmental microbiology 17 (6), 2018-2034, 2015
Ex situ conservation and exploitation of fungi in Italy
GC Varese, P Angelini, M Bencivenga, P Buzzini, D Donnini, ML Gargano, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2011
Stand structure and deadwood amount influences saproxylic fungal biodiversity in Mediterranean mountain unmanaged forests
AM Persiani, F Lombardi, D Lunghini, VM Granito, R Tognetti, O Maggi, ...
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (1), 115, 2015
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