Laura Elizabeth Coristine
Laura Elizabeth Coristine
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of British Colombia Okanagan
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Citované v
Facilitating climate‐change‐induced range shifts across continental land‐use barriers
CM Robillard, LE Coristine, RN Soares, JT Kerr
Conservation Biology 29 (6), 1586-1595, 2015
Habitat loss, climate change, and emerging conservation challenges in Canada
LE Coristine, JT Kerr
Canadian Journal of Zoology 89 (5), 435-451, 2011
Inaccurate and biased global media coverage underlies public misunderstanding of shark conservation threats and solutions
DS Shiffman, SJ Bittick, MS Cashion, SR Colla, LE Coristine, DH Derrick, ...
Iscience 23 (6), 2020
Informing Canada’s commitment to biodiversity conservation: A science-based framework to help guide protected areas designation through Target 1 and beyond
LE Coristine, AL Jacob, R Schuster, SP Otto, NE Baron, NJ Bennett, ...
Facets 3 (1), 531-562, 2018
Temperature‐related geographical shifts among passerines: Contrasting processes along poleward and equatorward range margins
LE Coristine, JT Kerr
Ecology and Evolution 5 (22), 5162-5176, 2015
A conceptual framework for the emerging discipline of conservation physiology
LE Coristine, CM Robillard, JT Kerr, CM O'Connor, D Lapointe, SJ Cooke
Conservation Physiology 2 (1), cou033, 2014
Wildcards in climate change biology
DS Srivastava, L Coristine, AL Angert, M Bontrager, SL Amundrud, ...
Ecological Monographs 91 (4), e01471, 2021
Emerging issues for protected and conserved areas in Canada
S Dietz, KF Beazley, CJ Lemieux, C St. Clair, L Coristine, E Higgs, ...
Facets 6 (1), 1892-1921, 2021
Envisioning the scientific paper of the future
NM Sopinka, LE Coristine, MC DeRosa, CM Rochman, BL Owens, ...
Facets 5 (1), 1-16, 2020
National contributions to global ecosystem values
LE Coristine, S Colla, N Bennett, AM Carlsson, C Davy, KTA Davies, ...
Conservation Biology 33 (5), 1219-1223, 2019
Dispersal limitation, climate change, and practical tools for butterfly conservation in intensively used landscapes
LE Coristine, P Soroye, RN Soares, C Robillard, JT Kerr
Natural Areas Journal 36 (4), 440-452, 2016
Are we accurately estimating the potential role of pollution in the decline of species at risk in Canada?
JL McCune, SR Colla, LE Coristine, CM Davy, DTT Flockhart, R Schuster, ...
Facets 4 (1), 598-614, 2019
Inaccurate and biased global media coverage underlies public misunderstanding of shark conservation threats and solutions. iScience, 23 (6), 101205
DS Shiffman, SJ Bittick, MS Cashion, SR Colla, LE Coristine, DH Derrick, ...
Climate change impacts on biodiversity
LE Coristine
Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa, 2016
Emerging issues for protected and conserved areas in Canada
C St Clair, L Coristine, E Higgs, R Smith, M Pellatt, C Beaty, E Cheskey, ...
Early-career researchers in Canada’s science-policy landscape: barriers and opportunities
L Coristine, J Pittman, R Schuster
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