Kevin Cheng
Kevin Cheng
The Institute of Environmental Science and Research
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Citované v
Breakdown of spatial coding and interneuron synchronization in epileptic mice
T Shuman, D Aharoni, DJ Cai, CR Lee, S Chavlis, L Page-Harley, ...
Nature neuroscience 23 (2), 229-238, 2020
An ACO-based clustering algorithm
Y Kao, K Cheng
International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2006
TET-dependent regulation of retrotransposable elements in mouse embryonic stem cells
L de la Rica, Ö Deniz, KCL Cheng, CD Todd, C Cruz, J Houseley, ...
Genome Biology 17, 1-14, 2016
A hybrid Chinese spelling correction using language model and statistical machine translation with reranking
X Liu, K Cheng, Y Luo, K Duh, Y Matsumoto
Proceedings of the seventh SIGHAN workshop on chinese language processing, 54-58, 2013
STRmix™ collaborative exercise on DNA mixture interpretation
JA Bright, K Cheng, Z Kerr, C McGovern, H Kelly, TR Moretti, MA Smith, ...
Forensic science international: genetics 40, 1-8, 2019
NIST interlaboratory studies involving DNA mixtures (MIX13): A modern analysis
JS Buckleton, JA Bright, K Cheng, B Budowle, MD Coble
Forensic Science International: Genetics 37, 172-179, 2018
SETDB1 prevents TET2-dependent activation of IAP retroelements in naïve embryonic stem cells
Ö Deniz, L de la Rica, KCL Cheng, D Spensberger, MR Branco
Genome biology 19, 1-11, 2018
Estimating the number of contributors to a DNA profile using decision trees
M Kruijver, H Kelly, K Cheng, MH Lin, J Morawitz, L Russell, J Buckleton, ...
Forensic science international: genetics 50, 102407, 2021
A comparison of likelihood ratios obtained from EuroForMix and STRmix™
K Cheng, Ø Bleka, P Gill, J Curran, JA Bright, D Taylor, J Buckleton
Journal of Forensic Sciences 66 (6), 2138-2155, 2021
The effect of varying the number of contributors in the prosecution and alternate propositions
JS Buckleton, JA Bright, K Cheng, H Kelly, DA Taylor
Forensic Science International: Genetics 38, 225-231, 2019
Lipid droplet velocity is a microenvironmental sensor of aggressive tumors regulated by V-ATPase and PEDF
F Nardi, P Fitchev, KM Brooks, OE Franco, K Cheng, SW Hayward, ...
Laboratory Investigation 99 (12), 1822-1834, 2019
Dynamical Wasserstein barycenters for time-series modeling
K Cheng, S Aeron, MC Hughes, EL Miller
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 27991-28003, 2021
Are low LRs reliable?
JS Buckleton, SN Pugh, JA Bright, DA Taylor, JM Curran, M Kruijver, P Gill, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 49, 102350, 2020
On matched filtering for statistical change point detection
KC Cheng, EL Miller, MC Hughes, S Aeron
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing 1, 159-176, 2020
Optimal transport based change point detection and time series segment clustering
KC Cheng, S Aeron, MC Hughes, E Hussey, EL Miller
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Developmental validation of FaSTR™ DNA: software for the analysis of forensic DNA profiles
MH Lin, SI Lee, X Zhang, L Russell, H Kelly, K Cheng, S Cooper, R Wivell, ...
Forensic Science International: Reports 3, 100217, 2021
Locus-specific chromatin profiling of evolutionarily young transposable elements
D Taylor, R Lowe, C Philippe, KCL Cheng, OA Grant, NR Zabet, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (6), e33-e33, 2022
Developmental validation of a software implementation of a flexible framework for the assignment of likelihood ratios for forensic investigations
H Kelly, Z Kerr, K Cheng, M Kruijver, JA Bright
Forensic Science International: Reports 4, 100231, 2021
Performance of a method for weighting a range in the number of contributors in probabilistic genotyping
C McGovern, K Cheng, H Kelly, A Ciecko, D Taylor, JS Buckleton, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 48, 102352, 2020
Modeling allelic analyte signals for aSTRs in NGS DNA profiles
K Cheng, MH Lin, L Moreno, J Skillman, S Hickey, D Cuenca, WR Hudlow, ...
Journal of Forensic Sciences 66 (4), 1234-1245, 2021
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