Dr. Brojo Kishore Mishra
Dr. Brojo Kishore Mishra
NIST University, Berhampur
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Citované v
Brain tumor detection and classification using convolutional neural network and deep neural network
CL Choudhury, C Mahanty, R Kumar, BK Mishra
2020 international conference on computer science, engineering and …, 2020
Prediction of malignant and benign breast cancer: A data mining approach in healthcare applications
V Kumar, BK Mishra, M Mazzara, DNH Thanh, A Verma
Advances in Data Science and Management: Proceedings of ICDSM 2019, 435-442, 2020
Parenteral immunization of fish, Labeo rohita with Poly D, L-lactide-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) encapsulated antigen microparticles promotes innate and adaptive immune responses
T Behera, PK Nanda, C Mohanty, D Mohapatra, P Swain, BK Das, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 28 (2), 320-325, 2010
A hybrid action-related K-nearest neighbour (HAR-KNN) approach for recommendation systems
SGK Patro, BK Mishra, SK Panda, R Kumar, HV Long, D Taniar, ...
IEEE Access 8, 90978-90991, 2020
A neuro-genetic model to predict hepatitis disease risk
S Mishra, BK Mishra, HK Tripathy
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2015
Implementation of n-gram methodology for rotten tomatoes review dataset sentiment analysis
P Tiwari, BK Mishra, S Kumar, V Kumar
Cognitive analytics: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, 689-701, 2020
Cyber security in parallel and distributed computing: Concepts, techniques, applications and case studies
DN Le, R Kumar, BK Mishra, JM Chatterjee, M Khari
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
Water pollution examination through quality analysis of different rivers: a case study in India
R Sharma, R Kumar, DK Sharma, M Sarkar, BK Mishra, V Puri, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability 24 (6), 7471-7492, 2022
Enhancing the capabilities of Student Result Prediction System
P Chaudhury, S Mishra, HK Tripathy, BK Mishra
Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2016
Analysis of the role and scope of big data analytics with IoT in health care domain
S Mishra, BK Mishra, HK Tripathy, A Dutta
Handbook of data science approaches for biomedical engineering, 1-23, 2020
A comprehensive tutorial on software defined network: The driving force for the future internet technology
KS Sahoo, S Mohanty, M Tiwary, BK Mishra, B Sahoo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information …, 2016
Principles, techniques and evaluation of recommendation systems
KC Jena, S Mishra, S Sahoo, BK Mishra
2017 International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 1-6, 2017
An insight of Internet of Things applications in pharmaceutical domain
S Mishra, A Dash, BK Mishra
Emergence of pharmaceutical industry growth with industrial IoT approach …, 2020
Implementation of biologically motivated optimisation approach for tumour categorisation
S Mishra, HK Tripathy, BK Mishra
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 10 (3 …, 2018
Analysis and implementation of artificial bee colony optimization in constrained optimization problems
S Sahoo, S Mishra, BKK Mishra, M Mishra
Handbook of research on modeling, analysis, and application of nature …, 2018
Implementation of BFS-NB hybrid model in intrusion detection system
S Mishra, C Mahanty, S Dash, BK Mishra
Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Analytics: IC3 2018, 167-175, 2019
Analyses the effects of COVID-19 outbreak on human sexual behaviour using ordinary least-squares based multivariate logistic regression
C Mahanty, R Kumar, BK Mishra
Quality & Quantity 55 (4), 1239-1259, 2021
Business Intelligence using Data Mining techniques and Business Analytics
BK Mishra, D Hazra, K Tarannum, M Kumar
5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research …, 2016
An implementation of Feature ranking using Machine learning techniques for Diabetes disease prediction
S Mishra, P Chaudhury, BK Mishra, HK Tripathy
Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2016
Sentiment analysis for airlines services based on Twitter dataset
P Tiwari, P Yadav, S Kumar, BK Mishra, GN Nguyen, SP Gochhayat, ...
Social network analytics, 149-162, 2019
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