Elias Balaras
Elias Balaras
Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, The George Washington University
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Citované v
Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations
U Piomelli, E Balaras
Annual review of fluid mechanics 34 (1), 349-374, 2002
An embedded-boundary formulation for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows interacting with moving boundaries
J Yang, E Balaras
Journal of computational Physics 215 (1), 12-40, 2006
Modeling complex boundaries using an external force field on fixed Cartesian grids in large-eddy simulations
E Balaras
Computers & Fluids 33 (3), 375-404, 2004
Two-layer approximate boundary conditions for large-eddy simulations
E Balaras, C Benocci, U Piomelli
AIAA journal 34 (6), 1111-1119, 1996
The inner–outer layer interface in large-eddy simulations with wall-layer models
U Piomelli, E Balaras, H Pasinato, KD Squires, PR Spalart
International Journal of heat and fluid flow 24 (4), 538-550, 2003
A priori and a posteriori tests of inflow conditions for large-eddy simulation
A Keating, U Piomelli, E Balaras, HJ Kaltenbach
Physics of fluids 16 (12), 4696-4712, 2004
Influence of flexibility on the aerodynamic performance of a hovering wing
M Vanella, T Fitzgerald, S Preidikman, E Balaras, B Balachandran
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (1), 95-105, 2009
A moving-least-squares reconstruction for embedded-boundary formulations
M Vanella, E Balaras
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (18), 6617-6628, 2009
A general reconstruction algorithm for simulating flows with complex 3D immersed boundaries on Cartesian grids
A Gilmanov, F Sotiropoulos, E Balaras
Journal of Computational Physics 191 (2), 660-669, 2003
Scale-similar models for large-eddy simulations
F Sarghini, U Piomelli, E Balaras
Physics of Fluids 11 (6), 1596-1607, 1999
A strongly coupled, embedded-boundary method for fluid–structure interactions of elastically mounted rigid bodies
J Yang, S Preidikman, E Balaras
Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (2), 167-182, 2008
Direct numerical simulation of the pulsatile flow through an aortic bileaflet mechanical heart valve
MD De Tullio, A Cristallo, E Balaras, R Verzicco
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 622, 259-290, 2009
A direct-forcing embedded-boundary method with adaptive mesh refinement for fluid–structure interaction problems
M Vanella, P Rabenold, E Balaras
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (18), 6427-6449, 2010
Turbulent structures in accelerating boundary layers
U Piomelli, E Balaras, A Pascarelli
Journal of Turbulence 1 (1), 001, 2000
A numerical investigation of the wake of an axisymmetric body with appendages
A Posa, E Balaras
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792, 470-498, 2016
Self-similar states in turbulent mixing layers
E Balaras, UGO Piomelli, JM Wallace
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 446, 1-24, 2001
Large-eddy simulations in mixed-flow pumps using an immersed-boundary method
A Posa, A Lippolis, R Verzicco, E Balaras
Computers & Fluids 47 (1), 33-43, 2011
Interface conditions for hybrid RANS/LES calculations
A Keating, G De Prisco, U Piomelli
International journal of heat and fluid flow 27 (5), 777-788, 2006
Wake structure of a single vertical axis wind turbine
A Posa, CM Parker, MC Leftwich, E Balaras
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 61, 75-84, 2016
Subgrid-scale models in finite-difference simulations of complex wall bounded flows
E Balaras, C Benocci
AGARD CP 551 (2.1), 1994
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