Zoltán Péli
Zoltán Péli
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Vacuum stability and scalar masses in the superweak extension of the standard model
Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
Physical Review D 106 (5), 055045, 2022
One-loop corrections to light neutrino masses in gauged U (1) extensions of the standard model
S Iwamoto, TJ Kärkkäinen, Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
Physical Review D 104 (5), 055042, 2021
Precise prediction for the mass of the boson in gauged U(1) extensions of the standard model
Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
Physical Review D 108 (3), L031704, 2023
Particle physics model of curvaton inflation in a stable universe
Z Péli, I Nándori, Z Trócsányi
Physical Review D 101 (6), 063533, 2020
Derivative expansion for computing critical exponents of symmetric models at next-to-next-to-leading order
Z Péli
Physical Review E 103 (3), 032135, 2021
Phase structure of the ghost model with higher-order gradient term
Z Péli, S Nagy, K Sailer
Physical Review D 94 (6), 065021, 2016
Effect of the quartic gradient terms on the critical exponents of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in O (N) models
Z Péli, S Nagy, K Sailer
The European Physical Journal A 54 (2), 20, 2018
Some consequences of the generalized uncertainty principle induced ultraviolet wave-vector cutoff in one-dimensional quantum mechanics
K Sailer, Z Péli, S Nagy
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (8), 084056, 2013
Stability of the vacuum as constraint on (1) extensions of the standard model
Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.02791, 2019
Regulator dependence of fixed points in quantum Einstein gravity with R2 truncation
S Nagy, B Fazekas, Z Péli, K Sailer, I Steib
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (5), 055001, 2018
Exclusion bounds for neutral gauge bosons
Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
Physical Review D 110 (1), 015027, 2024
Triple point in the ghost model with higher-order gradient term
Z Péli, S Nagy, K Sailer
Physical Review D 94 (6), 065037, 2016
Precise prediction for the W boson mass in U (1) extensions of the standard model
Z Péli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08203, 2023
Particle in a cavity in one-dimensional bandlimited quantum mechanics
K Sailer, Z Péli, S Nagy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (7), 075305, 2015
Precision Higgs Constraints in U (1) Extensions of the Standard Model with a Light Z′-Boson
Z Péli, Z Trócsányi
Universe 11 (1), 12, 2025
Derivative expansion for computing critical exponents of O (N) symmetric models at NNLO
Z Péli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04020, 2020
Derivative expansion for computing critical exponents of O (N) symmetric models at NNLO accuracy
Z Péli
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2010.04020, 2020
Functional renormalization group for ordinary and ghost O (N) models, with higher order gradient term
Z Péli
Phase structure of the Euclidean three-dimensional O(1) ghost model
Z Péli, S Nagy, K Sailer
International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 (02), 1950021, 2019
Modified renormalization group method applied to the ghost model with periodic condensate
Z Péli, S Nagy, K Sailer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10116, 2018
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