Sara Taskinen
Sara Taskinen
University Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä
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Citované v
smatr 3-an R package for estimation and inference about allometric lines.
DI Warton, RA Duursma, DS Falster, S Taskinen
Methods in Ecology & Evolution 3 (2), 2012
So Many Variables: Joint Modeling in Community Ecology
DI Warton, FG Blanchet, RB O’Hara, O Ovaskainen, S Taskinen, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (12), 766-779, 2015
The role of acute and chronic stress in asthma attacks in children
H Sandberg, S., Paton, J.Y., Ahola, S., McCann, D.C., McGuinness, D ...
Lancet 356, 982-988, 2000
Model‐based approaches to unconstrained ordination
FKC Hui, S Taskinen, S Pledger, SD Foster, DI Warton
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (4), 399-411, 2015
gllvm – Fast analysis of multivariate abundance data with generalized linear latent variable models in R
J Niku, FKC Hui, S Taskinen, DI Warton
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10, 2173-2182, 2019
Fall incidence in frail older women after individualized visual feedback-based balance training
S Sihvonen, S Sipilä, S Taskinen, P Era
Gerontology 50 (6), 411-416, 2004
Blind source separation based on joint diagonalization in R: the packages JADE and BSSasymp
J Miettinen, K Nordhausen, S Taskinen
Journal of Statistical Software 76 (2), 1-31, 2017
smatr:(Standardized) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines. R package version 3.2. 4
D Warton, R Duursma, D Falster, S Taskinen
Variational Approximations for Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models
FKC Hui, DI Warton, JT Ormerod, V Haapaniemi, S Taskinen
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (1), 35-43, 2017
Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models for Multivariate Count and Biomass Data in Ecology
J Niku, DI Warton, FKC Hui, S Taskinen
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 22 (4), 498-522, 2017
Fourth moments and independent component analysis
J Miettinen, S Taskinen, K Nordhausen, H Oja
Statistical Science 30 (3), 372-390, 2015
Multivariate nonparametric tests of independence
S Taskinen, H Oja, RH Randles
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (471), 916-925, 2005
Influence functions and efficiencies of the canonical correlation and vector estimates based on scatter and shape matrices
S Taskinen, C Croux, A Kankainen, E Ollila, H Oja
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 97 (2), 359-384, 2006
Efficient estimation of generalized linear latent variable models
J Niku, W Brooks, R Herliansyah, FKC Hui, S Taskinen, DI Warton
PloS one 14 (5), e0216129, 2019
On Mardia’s tests of multinormality
A Kankainen, S Taskinen, H Oja
Theory and Applications of Recent Robust Methods, 153-164, 2004
Metabolic health, menopause, and physical activity—a 4-year follow-up study
M Hyvärinen, HK Juppi, S Taskinen, JE Karppinen, S Karvinen, ...
International Journal of Obesity 46 (3), 544-554, 2022
Sign test of independence between two random vectors
S Taskinen, A Kankainen, H Oja
Statistics & probability letters 62 (1), 9-21, 2003
Tests of multinormality based on location vectors and scatter matrices
A Kankainen, S Taskinen, H Oja
Statistical Methods and Applications 16 (3), 357-379, 2007
Separation of uncorrelated stationary time series using autocovariance matrices
J Miettinen, K Illner, K Nordhausen, H Oja, S Taskinen, FJ Theis
Journal of Time Series Analysis 37 (3), 337--354, 2016
Symmetrised M-estimators of multivariate scatter
S Sirkiä, S Taskinen, H Oja
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 98 (8), 1611-1629, 2007
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