Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - James A SwansonĎalšie informácie
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Fracture critical analysis procedures and design and retrofit approaches for pony truss bridges in Ohio.
JA Swanson, GA Rassati, EF Dues
Ohio. Department of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research, 2016
Príkazy: US Department of Transportation
Division of Operations Research On-Call Task# 2-Evaluation of the Effects of Wind Loads on Flexible Backplates
JA Swanson, GA Rassati, NT Slagle, K Lee
Ohio. Department of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research, 2021
Príkazy: US Department of Transportation
Division of Engineering Research On-Call Services: Task 4: Load Rating of the Combs-Hehl Stringers Under Permit Loads
JA Swanson, GA Rassati, RA Chicchi, MA Butler
Ohio. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research, 2020
Príkazy: US Department of Transportation
Division of Engineering Research On-Call Services: Task 2: Rating of the Stringer System of the Approach Spans of the Combs-Hehl Bridge
JA Swanson, GA Rassati, RA Chicchi, MA Butler
Ohio. Department of Transportation. Office of Statewide Planning and Research, 2019
Príkazy: US Department of Transportation
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