Yilkal Bezie
Yilkal Bezie
Asistant professor in plant Biotechnology; Home institute Debre Markos University
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Citované v
Use and conservation of medicinal plants by indigenous people of Gozamin Wereda, East Gojjam Zone of Amhara region, Ethiopia: an ethnobotanical approach
N Amsalu, Y Bezie, M Fentahun, A Alemayehu, G Amsalu
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018 (1), 2973513, 2018
A Review of Factors affecting Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Pretreated Lignocellulosic Biomass
BYYM Kumar Amit1*, Minuye Nakachew1
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 22 (7), 62-67, 2018
The potential applications of site-directed mutagenesis for crop improvement: A review
Y Bezie, T Tilahun, M Atnaf, M Taye
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 24 (3), 229-244, 2021
Antibacterial Evaluation and Phytochemical Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants against Some Pathogenic Enteric Bacteria in Gozamin District, Ethiopia
AAAG Fentahun M1, Ayele Yilkal B2*, Amsalu N1
Journal of Pharmacovigilance 5 (5), 1-6, 2017
Schizophyllum commune: A Fungal Cell-factory for Production of Valuable Metabolites and Enzymes
YB Amit Kumar, Amit Kumar Bharti
BioResources 17 (3), 2022
Traditional medicinal plants used to treat maternal and child health illnesses in Ethiopia: an ethno-botanical approach
TW Asmare, BA Yilkal, T Mekuannint, AT Yibeltal
J Tradit Med Clin Natur 7 (277), 2, 2018
Correlation and path coefficient analysis of green pod yield and yield attributing traits of chili (Capsicum annum L.) genotypes in Ethiopia
T Tilahun, Y Bezie, Y Petros, Y Dessalegn, M Taye
All Life 15 (1), 203-210, 2022
Enhanced Protocol Development for in vitro Multiplication and Rooting of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andr.) Clone (Van. 2/05)
YB Ayele, W Tefera, K Bantte
Biotechnology Journal International 18 (3), 1-11, 2017
Low Cost Sterilization Technique and in vitro Initiation of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andr.)
YZ Ayele, W Tefera
Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research 9 (3), 1-6, 2018
The application of antisense technology for crop improvement: A review
T Tilahun, Y Bezie, B Kerisew, M Taye
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7 (1), 1910157, 2021
Phenotypic characterization and symbiotic effectiveness test of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizobia isolated from Dejen and Aneded Districts, East Gojjam Zone, Amahara …
B Aynalem, T Temesgen, Y Bezie, SW Yohannis
African Journal of Biotechnology 17 (23), 730-738, 2018
Recent Advancement in Phytoremediation for Removal of Toxic Compounds
Y Bezie, M Taye, A Kumar
Nanobiotechnology for Green Environment, 195, 2021
1 Global Environmental Issues and the Role of Nanobiotechnology for the Sustainable Environment
C Ram, A Kumar, Y Bezie
Nanobiotechnology for Green Environment, 11-45, 2021
Genetic variability for growth and yield traits of Ethiopian highland barley landraces on acid soils, in the choke water shade, Ethiopia
Y Bezie, M Atnaf, M Taye
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 1-21, 2024
1 Global Environmental
C Ram, A Kumar, Y Bezie
Nanobiotechnology for Green Environment, 1, 2021
Food industry based applications of cellulase, xylanases and pectinases
AB Amit Kumar1*,Archana Guatam2,Nakachew Munuye1,Yilkal Bezie1
Microbial Enzymes and additives for the food industry, 179 - 200, 2019
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