Michael L Griffiths
Michael L Griffiths
Professor of Environmental Science, William Paterson University
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Citované v
Increasing Australian–Indonesian monsoon rainfall linked to early Holocene sea-level rise
ML Griffiths, RN Drysdale, MK Gagan, J Zhao, LK Ayliffe, JC Hellstrom, ...
Nature Geoscience 2 (9), 636-639, 2009
East Asian hydroclimate modulated by the position of the westerlies during Termination I
H Zhang, ML Griffiths, JCH Chiang, W Kong, S Wu, A Atwood, J Huang, ...
Science 362 (6414), 580-583, 2018
Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australasia over the last 30,000 years–a synthesis by the OZ-INTIMATE group
JM Reeves, HC Bostock, LK Ayliffe, TT Barrows, P De Deckker, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 97-114, 2013
Variations of twentieth-century temperature and precipitation extreme indicators in the northeast United States
ML Griffiths, RS Bradley
Journal of Climate 20 (21), 5401-5417, 2007
Rapid interhemispheric climate links via the Australasian monsoon during the last deglaciation
LK Ayliffe, MK Gagan, J Zhao, RN Drysdale, JC Hellstrom, WS Hantoro, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2908, 2013
Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: an OZ-INTIMATE compilation
JM Reeves, TT Barrows, TJ Cohen, AS Kiem, HC Bostock, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 21-34, 2013
Evidence for Holocene changes in Australian–Indonesian monsoon rainfall from stalagmite trace element and stable isotope ratios
ML Griffiths, RN Drysdale, MK Gagan, S Frisia, J Zhao, LK Ayliffe, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 292 (1-2), 27-38, 2010
Western Pacific hydroclimate linked to global climate variability over the past two millennia
ML Griffiths, AK Kimbrough, MK Gagan, RN Drysdale, JE Cole, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11719, 2016
Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era
PAGES Hydro2k Consortium
Climate of the Past 13 (12), 1851-1900, 2017
Interannual controls on oxygen isotope variability in Asian monsoon precipitation and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions
H Yang, KR Johnson, ML Griffiths, K Yoshimura
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (14), 8410-8428, 2016
Younger Dryas–Holocene temperature and rainfall history of southern Indonesia from δ18O in speleothem calcite and fluid inclusions
ML Griffiths, RN Drysdale, HB Vonhof, MK Gagan, J Zhao, LK Ayliffe, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 295 (1-2), 30-36, 2010
End of Green Sahara amplified mid-to late Holocene megadroughts in mainland Southeast Asia
ML Griffiths, KR Johnson, FSR Pausata, JC White, GM Henderson, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4204, 2020
Hydrological control of the dead carbon fraction in a Holocene tropical speleothem
ML Griffiths, J Fohlmeister, RN Drysdale, Q Hua, KR Johnson, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 14, 81-93, 2012
Antarctic link with East Asian summer monsoon variability during the Heinrich Stadial–Bølling interstadial transition
H Zhang, ML Griffiths, J Huang, Y Cai, C Wang, F Zhang, H Cheng, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453, 243-251, 2016
Rainwater isotopes in central Vietnam controlled by two oceanic moisture sources and rainout effects
A Wolf, WHG Roberts, V Ersek, KR Johnson, ML Griffiths
Scientific reports 10 (1), 16482, 2020
Tropical and high latitude forcing of enhanced megadroughts in Northern China during the last four terminations
C Tang, H Yang, RD Pancost, ML Griffiths, G Xiao, X Dang, S Xie
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 479, 98-107, 2017
Abrupt increase in east Indonesian rainfall from flooding of the Sunda Shelf∼ 9500 years ago
ML Griffiths, RN Drysdale, MK Gagan, J Zhao, JC Hellstrom, LK Ayliffe, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 273-279, 2013
Trophic position of Otodus megalodon and great white sharks through time revealed by zinc isotopes
J McCormack, ML Griffiths, SL Kim, K Shimada, M Karnes, H Maisch, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2980, 2022
Hydroclimatic variability in Southeast Asia over the past two millennia
JK Wang, KR Johnson, A Borsato, DJ Amaya, ML Griffiths, GM Henderson, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 525, 115737, 2019
Body, jaw, and dentition lengths of macrophagous lamniform sharks, and body size evolution in Lamniformes with special reference to ‘off-the-scale’gigantism of the megatooth …
K Shimada, MA Becker, ML Griffiths
Historical Biology 33 (11), 2543-2559, 2021
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