Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Abdallah Tageldein MansourĎalšie informácie
Nedostupné nikde: 3
Dietary supplementation of organic selenium improves growth, survival, antioxidant and immune status of meagre, Argyrosomus regius, juveniles
ATE Mansour, AA Goda, EA Omar, HS Khalil, MÁ Esteban
Fish & shellfish immunology 68, 516-524, 2017
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Effects of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaves on growth and some systemic and mucosal immune parameters of seabream
AT Mansour, L Miao, C Espinosa, JM García-Beltrán, ...
Fish physiology and biochemistry 44, 1223-1240, 2018
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Effects of aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts from drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) leucocytes, and their cytotoxic, antitumor …
JM García-Beltrán, AT Mansour, AS Alsaqufi, HM Ali, MÁ Esteban
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 106, 44-55, 2020
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Dostupné niekde: 4
Effects of carbon sources and plant protein levels in a biofloc system on growth performance, and the immune and antioxidant status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
AT Mansour, MÁ Esteban
Fish & shellfish immunology 64, 202-209, 2017
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Extracellular microRNAs in follicular fluid and their potential association with oocyte fertilization and embryo quality: an exploratory study
R Machtinger, RS Rodosthenous, M Adir, A Mansour, C Racowsky, ...
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 34, 525-533, 2017
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Supraphysiological concentrations of bisphenol A alter the expression of extracellular vesicle-enriched miRNAs from human primary granulosa cells
RS Rodosthenous, AA Baccarelli, A Mansour, M Adir, A Israel, ...
Toxicological Sciences 169 (1), 5-13, 2019
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Mirnas isolated from extracellular vesicles in follicular fluid and oocyte development potential
R Machtinger, R Rodosthenous, A Mansour, M Adir, C Racowsky, ...
Fertility and Sterility 104 (3), e54, 2015
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
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