Alexey Fedotov
Alexey Fedotov
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Moderately relativistic high-harmonic gyrotrons for millimeter/submillimeter wavelength band
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, YK Kalynov, VN Manuilov, MM Ofitserov, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 27 (2), 456-461, 1999
Gain analysis of a 0.2-THz traveling-wave tube with sheet electron beam and staggered grating slow wave structure
TA Karetnikova, AG Rozhnev, NM Ryskin, AE Fedotov, SV Mishakin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65 (6), 2129-2134, 2018
Terahertz orotrons and oromultipliers
VL Bratman, BS Dumesh, AE Fedotov, PB Makhalov, BZ Movshevich, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (6), 1466-1471, 2010
Generation of rogue waves in gyrotrons operating in the regime of developed turbulence
NS Ginzburg, RM Rozental, AS Sergeev, AE Fedotov, IV Zotova, ...
Physical review letters 119 (3), 034801, 2017
Experimental demonstration of Smith–Purcell radiation enhancement by frequency multiplication in open cavity
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, PB Makhalov
Applied Physics Letters 98 (6), 2011
Frequency tunable sub-THz gyrotron for direct measurements of positronium hyperfine structure
AE Fedotov, RM Rozental, IV Zotova, NS Ginzburg, AS Sergeev, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 39, 975-983, 2018
Theory of gyro devices with thin electron beams (large-orbit gyrotrons)
VL Bratman, YK Kalynov, AE Fedotov
Technical Physics 43, 1219-1225, 1998
Sources of coherent terahertz radiation
VL Bratman, IV Bandurkin, BS Dumesh, AE Fedotov, YK Kalynov, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 807 (1), 356-366, 2006
Operation of a sub-terahertz CW gyrotron with an extremely low voltage
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, AP Fokin, MY Glyavin, VN Manuilov, IV Osharin
Physics of Plasmas 24 (11), 2017
Pulsed wideband orotrons of millimeter and submillimeter waves
VL Bratman, VA Gintsburg, YA Grishin, BS Dumesh, FS Rusin, ...
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 49, 866-871, 2006
Broadband orotron operation at millimeter and submillimeter waves
VL Bratman, BS Dumesh, AE Fedotov, YA Grishin, FS Rusin
International journal of infrared and millimeter waves 23 (11), 1595-1601, 2002
THz gyrotron and BWO designed for operation in DNP-NMR spectrometer magnet
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, YK Kalynov, PB Makhalov, A Samoson
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 34, 837-846, 2013
Development of electrodynamic components for microwave electronic devices using the technology of 3D photopolymer printing with chemical surface metallization
MD Proyavin, AA Vikharev, AE Fedotov, DI Sobolev, NY Peskov, ...
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 63, 469-478, 2020
Numerical study of a low-voltage gyrotron (“gyrotrino”) for DNP/NMR spectroscopy
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, YK Kalynov, PB Makhalov, IV Osharin
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 45 (4), 644-648, 2017
Effective co-generation of opposite and forward waves in cyclotron-resonance masers
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, NG Kolganov, SV Samsonov, AV Savilov
Physical Review Letters 85 (16), 3424, 2000
An experimental investigation of a 0.8 THz double-beam gyrotron
S Mitsudo, M Glyavin, E Khutoryan, I Bandurkin, T Saito, Y Ishikawa, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 40, 1114-1128, 2019
Development of third-harmonic 1.2-THz gyrotron with intentionally increased velocity spread of electrons
I Bandurkin, A Fedotov, M Glyavin, T Idehara, A Malkin, V Manuilov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 67 (10), 4432-4436, 2020
Smooth wideband frequency tuning in low-voltage gyrotron with cathode-end power output
VL Bratman, AE Fedotov, YK Kalynov, IV Osharin, NA Zavolsky
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64 (12), 5147-5150, 2017
Excitation of orotron oscillations at the doubled frequency of a surface wave
VL Bratman, PB Makhalov, AE Fedotov, IM Khaimovich
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 50, 780-785, 2007
Developing a high-current relativistic millimeter-wave gyrotron
EB Abubakirov, AN Denisenko, AP Konyushkov, IV Osharin, RM Rozental, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 82, 48-52, 2018
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