Francis Mayle
Francis Mayle
Professor of Tropical Palaeoecology, University of Reading
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Citované v
Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data
MJ Power, J Marlon, N Ortiz, PJ Bartlein, SP Harrison, FE Mayle, ...
Climate dynamics 30, 887-907, 2008
Millennial-scale dynamics of southern Amazonian rain forests
FE Mayle, R Burbridge, TJ Killeen
Science 290 (5500), 2291-2294, 2000
Responses of Amazonian ecosystems to climatic and atmospheric carbon dioxide changes since the last glacial maximum
FE Mayle, DJ Beerling, WD Gosling, MB Bush
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2004
Impact of a drier Early–Mid-Holocene climate upon Amazonian forests
FE Mayle, MJ Power
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
Fifty-thousand-year vegetation and climate history of Noel Kempff Mercado National park, Bolivian Amazon
RE Burbridge, FE Mayle, TJ Killeen
Quaternary Research 61 (2), 215-230, 2004
A previously unrecognized late-glacial cold event in eastern North America
AJ Levesque, FE Mayle, IR Walker, LC Cwynar
Nature 361 (6413), 623-626, 1993
Impact of pre-Columbian “geoglyph” builders on Amazonian forests
J Watling, J Iriarte, FE Mayle, D Schaan, LCR Pessenda, NJ Loader, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1868-1873, 2017
Long-term forest–savannah dynamics in the Bolivian Amazon: implications for conservation
FE Mayle, RP Langstroth, RA Fisher, P Meir
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 362 …, 2007
Differentiation between Neotropical rainforest, dry forest, and savannah ecosystems by their modern pollen spectra and implications for the fossil pollen record
WD Gosling, FE Mayle, NJ Tate, TJ Killeen
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 153 (1-2), 70-85, 2009
Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia
JF Carson, BS Whitney, FE Mayle, J Iriarte, H Prümers, JD Soto, J Watling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (29), 10497-10502, 2014
Climate variability and human impact in South America during the last 2000 years: synthesis and perspectives from pollen records
SGA Flantua, H Hooghiemstra, M Vuille, H Behling, JF Carson, ...
Climate of the Past 12 (2), 483-523, 2016
Assessment of the Neotropical dry forest refugia hypothesis in the light of palaeoecological data and vegetation model simulations
FE Mayle
Journal of Quaternary Science 19 (7), 713-720, 2004
A 45 kyr palaeoclimate record from the lowland interior of tropical South America
BS Whitney, FE Mayle, SW Punyasena, KA Fitzpatrick, MJ Burn, R Guillen, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 307 (1-4), 177-192, 2011
Stomatal frequency adjustment of four conifer species to historical changes in atmospheric CO2
LLR Kouwenberg, JC McElwain, WM Kürschner, F Wagner, DJ Beerling, ...
American Journal of Botany 90 (4), 610-619, 2003
Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas
J Iriarte, MJ Power, S Rostain, FE Mayle, H Jones, J Watling, BS Whitney, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (17), 6473-6478, 2012
Pollen-based biome reconstructions for Latin America at 0, 6000 and 18 000 radiocarbon years ago
R Marchant, A Cleef, SP Harrison, H Hooghiemstra, V Markgraf, ...
Climate of the Past 5 (4), 725-767, 2009
Climatic control of the biomass-burning decline in the Americas after ad 1500
MJ Power, FE Mayle, PJ Bartlein, JR Marlon, RS Anderson, H Behling, ...
The Holocene 23 (1), 3-13, 2013
The chronology of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Last Glacial-Holocene transition: towards an event stratigraphy for the British Isles
JJ Lowe, HH Birks, SJ Brooks, GR Coope, DD Harkness, FE Mayle, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 156 (2), 397-410, 1999
Diversity of cultivars and other plant resources used at habitation sites in the Llanos de Mojos, Beni, Bolivia: evidence from macrobotanical remains, starch grains, and phytoliths
R Dickau, MC Bruno, J Iriarte, H Prümers, CJ Betancourt, I Holst, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2), 357-370, 2012
Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions
R Dickau, BS Whitney, J Iriarte, FE Mayle, JD Soto, P Metcalfe, ...
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 193, 15-37, 2013
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