Rene Ziegler
Rene Ziegler
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Stereotype content model across cultures: Towards universal similarities and some differences
AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, VSY Kwan, P Glick, S Demoulin, JP Leyens, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 48 (1), 1-33, 2009
Relationship between job satisfaction and job performance: Job ambivalence as a moderator
R Ziegler, B Hagen, M Diehl
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (8), 2019-2040, 2012
Idea production in nominal and virtual groups: Does computer-mediated communication improve group brainstorming?
R Ziegler, M Diehl, G Zijlstra
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 3 (2), 141-158, 2000
The role of job satisfaction, job ambivalence, and emotions at work in predicting organizational citizenship behavior.
R Ziegler, C Schlett, K Casel, M Diehl
Journal of Personnel Psychology 11 (4), 176, 2012
Multiple source characteristics and persuasion: Source inconsistency as a determinant of message scrutiny
R Ziegler, M Diehl, A Ruther
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (4), 496-508, 2002
Job emotions and job cognitions as determinants of job satisfaction: The moderating role of individual differences in need for affect
C Schlett, R Ziegler
Journal of Vocational Behavior 84 (1), 74-89, 2014
An attitude strength and self-perception framework regarding the bi-directional relationship of job satisfaction with extra-role and in-role behavior: The doubly moderating …
R Ziegler, C Schlett
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 235, 2016
Self‐ambivalence and reactions to success versus failure
M Riketta, R Ziegler
European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (3), 547-560, 2007
Mood, source characteristics, and message processing: A mood-congruent expectancies approach
R Ziegler
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (5), 743-752, 2010
Source consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus: The three dimensions of the Kelley ANOVA model in persuasion
R Ziegler, M Diehl, R Zigon, T Fett
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (3), 352-364, 2004
Is politician A or politician B more persuasive? Recipients' source preference and the direction of biased message processing
R Ziegler, M Diehl
European journal of social psychology 33 (5), 623-637, 2003
Self-ambivalence and self-esteem
M Riketta, R Ziegler
Current Psychology 25, 192-211, 2006
Ambiguität und Ambivalenz in der Psychologie: Begriffsverständnis und Begriffsverwendung
R Ziegler
Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik: Lili 40 (158), 125-171, 2010
Matching the message source to attitude functions: Implications for biased processing
R Ziegler, A von Schwichow, M Diehl
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (6), 645-653, 2005
Group polarization revisited: A processing effort account
J Sieber, R Ziegler
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (10), 1482-1498, 2019
Mood and Processing of Proattitudinal and Counterattitudinal Messages
R Ziegler
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (4), 482-495, 2013
Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit: Untersuchungen zur Validität der Selbstzuordnungsmethode sowie zu Unterschieden in der Valenz der Arbeit, der Arbeitssituation und der …
R Ziegler, C Schlett
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O 57 (2), 51-76, 2013
Informationsaustausch und Ideensammlung in Gruppen
M Diehl, R Ziegler
Computervermittelte Kommunikation in Organisationen, 89-101, 2000
Does matching versus mismatching message content to attitude functions lead to biased processing? The role of message ambiguity
R Ziegler, B Dobre, M Diehl
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29 (3), 269-278, 2007
Mood and the impact of individuating information on the evaluation of ingroup and outgroup members: The role of mood-based expectancies
R Ziegler, AM Burger
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (5), 1000-1006, 2011
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