Andrew M Knight
Andrew M Knight
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Citované v
A review of power converter topologies for wind generators
JA Baroudi, V Dinavahi, AM Knight
Renewable energy 32 (14), 2369-2385, 2007
Dynamic thermal rating of transmission lines: A review
S Karimi, P Musilek, AM Knight
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 91, 600-612, 2018
Comparison of different motor design drives for hybrid electric vehicles
DG Dorrell, AM Knight, M Popescu, L Evans, DA Staton
2010 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition, 3352-3359, 2010
Comparison of the effects of continuous and discontinuous PWM schemes on power losses of voltage-sourced inverters for induction motor drives
Y Wu, MA Shafi, AM Knight, RA McMahon
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (1), 182-191, 2010
Design and analysis of brushless doubly fed reluctance machines
AM Knight, RE Betz, DG Dorrell
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (1), 50-58, 2012
Simple wind energy controller for an expanded operating range
AM Knight, GE Peters
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (2), 459-466, 2005
Single-phase multilevel PWM inverter topologies using coupled inductors
J Salmon, AM Knight, J Ewanchuk
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (5), 1259-1266, 2009
Risk-constrained bidding and offering strategy for a merchant compressed air energy storage plant
S Shafiee, H Zareipour, AM Knight, N Amjady, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 946-957, 2016
Fuzzy self-tuning speed control of an indirect field-oriented control induction motor drive
M Masiala, B Vafakhah, J Salmon, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 44 (6), 1732-1740, 2008
Analysis and design techniques applied to hybrid vehicle drive machines—Assessment of alternative IPM and induction motor topologies
DG Dorrell, AM Knight, L Evans, M Popescu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (10), 3690-3699, 2011
The design of high-efficiency line-start motors
AM Knight, CI McClay
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 36 (6), 1555-1562, 2000
PWM inverters using split-wound coupled inductors
J Salmon, J Ewanchuk, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 45 (6), 2001-2009, 2009
Mechanical fault detection in a medium-sized induction motor using stator current monitoring
AM Knight, SP Bertani
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (4), 753-760, 2005
Alternative rotor designs for high performance brushless permanent magnet machines for hybrid electric vehicles
DG Dorrell, MF Hsieh, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (2), 835-838, 2012
Performance of a high-speed motor drive system using a novel multilevel inverter topology
J Ewanchuk, J Salmon, AM Knight
IEEE transactions on industry applications 45 (5), 1706-1714, 2009
Considering thermodynamic characteristics of a CAES facility in self-scheduling in energy and reserve markets
S Shafiee, H Zareipour, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3476-3485, 2016
Economic assessment of a price-maker energy storage facility in the Alberta electricity market
S Shafiee, P Zamani-Dehkordi, H Zareipour, AM Knight
Energy 111, 537-547, 2016
Developing bidding and offering curves of a price-maker energy storage facility based on robust optimization
S Shafiee, H Zareipour, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (1), 650-660, 2017
A new space-vector PWM with optimal switching selection for multilevel coupled inductor inverters
B Vafakhah, J Salmon, AM Knight
IEEE Transactions on industrial Electronics 57 (7), 2354-2364, 2010
Use of a permeance model to predict force harmonic components and damper winding effects in salient-pole synchronous machines
AM Knight, H Karmaker, K Weeber
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 17 (4), 478-484, 2002
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