Sergey Aksenov
Sergey Aksenov
НИУ ВШЭ, МИЭМ, Департамент прикладной математики
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Citované v
Determination of optimal gas forming conditions from free bulging tests at constant pressure
SA Aksenov, EN Chumachenko, AV Kolesnikov, SA Osipov
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217, 158-164, 2015
Modelling of the Superplastic Deformation of the Near-α Titanium Alloy (Ti-2.5Al-1.8Mn) Using Arrhenius-Type Constitutive Model and Artificial Neural Network
A Mosleh, A Mikhaylovskaya, A Kotov, T Pourcelot, S Aksenov, J Kwame, ...
Metals 7 (12), 568, 2017
Superplasticity of high-strength Al-based alloys produced by thermomechanical treatment
AD Kotov, AV Mikhaylovskaya, MS Kishchik, AA Tsarkov, SA Aksenov, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688, 336-344, 2016
Superplasticity of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy: microstructure evolution and constitutive modelling
AO Mosleh, AV Mikhaylovskaya, AD Kotov, JS Kwame, SA Aksenov
Materials 12 (11), 1756, 2019
Mathematical modelling of flat and long hot rolling based on finite element methods (FEM)
R Fabík, J Kliber, I Mamuzić, T Kubina, SA Aksenov
Metalurgija 51 (3), 341-344, 2012
Investigation on the thickness distribution of highly customized titanium biomedical implants manufactured by superplastic forming
D Sorgente, G Palumbo, A Piccininni, P Guglielmi, SA Aksenov
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 20, 29-35, 2018
Design of a gas forming technology using the material constants obtained by tensile and free bulging testing
SA Aksenov, AV Kolesnikov, AV Mikhaylovskaya
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 237, 88-95, 2016
Characterization of superplastic materials by results of free bulging tests
SA Aksenov, IY Zakhariev, AV Kolesnikov, SA Osipov
Materials Science Forum 838, 552-556, 2016
Mathematical modeling and energy conservation for rolling in passes
EN Chumachenko, SA Aksenov, IV Logashina
Metallurgist 54, 498-504, 2010
Processing of plane strain compression test results for investigation of AISI-304 stainless steel constitutive behavior
SA Aksenov, J Kliber, YA Puzino, SA Bober
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 50 (6), 644-650, 2015
Determination of optimal conditions for gas forming of aluminum sheets
SA Aksenov, EN Chumachenko, AV Kolesnikov, SA Osipov
Procedia Engineering 81, 1017-1022, 2014
Determination of biaxial stress–strain curves for superplastic materials by means of bulge forming tests at constant stress
S Aksenov, D Sorgente
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 31, 618-627, 2020
Numerical study of deformation characteristics in plane strain compression test (PSCT) volume certified following microstructure
J Kliber, SA Aksenov, R Fabík
Hrvatsko Metalurško Društvo, 2009
Numerical simulation in roll pass design for bar rolling
SA Aksenov, EN Chumachenko, IV Logashina, T Kubina
Metalurgija 54 (1), 75-78, 2015
Simulation modeling of rolling in passes
EN Chumachenko, IV Logashina, SA Aksenov
Metallurgist 50 (7), 413-418, 2006
On the challenges and prospects of the superplastic forming process
F Jarrar, D Sorgente, SA Aksenov, F Enikeev
Materials Science Forum 941, 2343-2348, 2019
Investigation of stress-strain behavior of a sheet material using free bulging test
SA Aksenov, D Sorgente
Procedia Engineering 207, 1892-1897, 2017
Soft reduction of a cast ingot on the incomplete crystallization stage
TI Cherkashina, I Mazur, SA Aksenov
Materials science forum 762, 261-265, 2013
Calculation and Study of Limited Orbits around the L2 Libration Point of the Sun–Earth System
SA Aksenov, SA Bober
Cosmic Research 56, 144-150, 2018
The effect of material properties on the accuracy of superplastic tensile test
S Aksenov, V Mikolaenko
Metals 10 (10), 1353, 2020
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